Portugal verlaten ( met moeite!!) en nu in Spanje. Het weer is weer su翻訳 - Portugal verlaten ( met moeite!!) en nu in Spanje. Het weer is weer su英語言う方法

Portugal verlaten ( met moeite!!) e

Portugal verlaten ( met moeite!!) en nu in Spanje. Het weer is weer subliem, alles subliem verlicht door de zon. Na een prachtige tocht door de Junta de Estemadura stonden we bij de rotsen waar de gieren wonen. We waren er alleen en hoorden hun geluiden. Ze lijken vlakbij, maar fotograferen met IPhone is moeilijk. Even vergroten en je ziet er één aan de linkerkant zitten! Daarna maakten we weer een prachtige zonsondergang mee! Toen snel een slaapplek zoeken voor de bus en ons..! We hebben wel 'n uur extra nu, maar het blijft vroeg donker!!
Dit was gisteren en nu WiFi om te verzenden!
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Leave Portugal (with difficulty!!) and now in Spain. The weather is sublime, sublime everything illuminated by the Sun. After a wonderful trip by the Junta de Estemadura we were at the rocks where the vultures live. We were only there and heard their sounds. They seem close, but shooting with IPhone is difficult. And here you see there is one on the left! Then we made another beautiful sunset! Then quickly find a place to sleep for the bus and us..! We do have a hour now, but it remains dark early!!This was yesterday and now Wi-Fi to send!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Portugal abandoned (with difficulty !!) and now in Spain. The weather is sublime, everything sublimely illuminated by the sun. After a beautiful trip through the Junta de Estemadura we stood at the cliffs where the vultures live. We were alone and hear their sounds. They seem close, but shooting IPhone is difficult. Even larger and you see one sitting on the left! Then we made again with a beautiful sunset! Then quickly find a place to sleep for the bus and us ..! We do have one extra hour now, but it remains dark early !!
This was yesterday and now Wi-Fi to send!
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
portugal abandoned (with difficulty. !) and now in spain. the weather is sublime, sublime illuminated by the sun. after a wonderful journey by the junta the estemadura we were in the rocks where they live. we were only there and heard their voices. they are close, but photograph with iphone is difficult. you look just increase and one on the left. then we made a beautiful sunset! when looking for a place to sleep quickly and the bus us! we have an extra hour now, but it was still dark. !this was yesterday and wifi to send!
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