Het ICT-governance-comité is opgericht om op een transparante manier i翻訳 - Het ICT-governance-comité is opgericht om op een transparante manier i英語言う方法

Het ICT-governance-comité is opgeri

Het ICT-governance-comité is opgericht om op een transparante manier inzicht te krijgen in de ICT-investeringen, in functie van de kerntaken van de universiteit en de bedrijfsvoering. Dit orgaan is bevoegd om beslissingen te nemen over alle bedrijfsapplicatie (ontwikkeling of aankoop, centraal/decentraal), grote hardware investeringen en de eventuele inzet van externe consultants voor IT.

Voor nieuwe projectaanvragen is er, in samenspraak met dit comité, een aanvraagformulier ontwikkeld (in bijlage). De business eigenaar (aanvrager) moet dit invullen, in samenwerking met het departement ICT (contact: lieve.willems@uantwerpen.be). Het ingevulde document aub per email bezorgen tegelijkertijd aan de rector, de algemeen beheerder en de departementsverantwoordelijken ICT Paul Fremau en Geert Vera. Aanvragen te behandelen in het volgende ICT-governance-comité worden voor 20 september ingewacht.

Het is essentieel dat de doelstellingen, de projectstructuur, de alignering met beleidsplannen, de kosten, maar ook de projectrisico’s enz. correct en zorgvuldig worden beschreven.

vriendelijke groeten
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The ICT governance Committee is established in a transparent manner to understand the ICT investment, in function of the core tasks of the University and business practices. This body is responsible for taking decisions on all business application (development or purchase, Central/decentralised), major hardware investment and the possible deployment of external consultants for IT. For new project applications is there, in consultation with this Committee, a developed application form (attached). The business owner (applicant) must fill out this, in collaboration with the ICT Department (contact: lieve.willems@uantwerpen.be). Please email the completed document at the same time deliver to the rector, the General Manager and the head of Falcon and Geert ICT managers Paul Vera. Applications in the following ICT governance Committee are expected for september 20. It is essential that the objectives, project structure, policy plans, the alignment with the costs, but also the project risks etc. are described correctly and carefully. Kind regards
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
ICT governance committee has been set up in a transparent manner to gain insight into the ICT investments, depending on the core functions of the university and the business. This body is empowered to take decisions on all business application (development or acquisition, centralized / decentralized), large hardware investments and the possible use of external consultants for IT. There developed an application form in consultation with the Committee for new project applications ( in the attachment). The business owner (applicant) must complete this in collaboration with the IT department (contact: lieve.willems@uantwerpen.be). The completed document by e-mail while at the same time give to the rector, the general manager and the department in charge of ICT and Paul Fremau Geert Vera. Requests to deal in the next ICT governance committee are expected by September 20. It is essential that the objectives of the project structure, the alignment of policies, the cost, but also the project risks etc. properly and carefully described. Regards

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the ict governance committee is established in a transparent way to gain insight into the ict investment, in function of the core tasks of the university and the management. this body is empowered to take decisions on all bedrijfsapplicatie (development or purchase, central / local), large hardware investment and the possible use of external consultants for it.for new projects, in consultation with the committee, developed a application form (annex). the business owner (applicant) to fill this out, in cooperation with the department of ict (contact: lieve.willems @ uantwerpen.be). please send the completed document by email at the same time, the principal, the general manager and the departementsverantwoordelijken ict paul fremau and geert vera. applications in the following ict governance committee shall be invited for 20 september.it is essential that the objectives, the projectstructuur, the alignments with strategy, the cost, but also the project risks, etc. properly and carefully described.greetings
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