Dat wel duidelijk is dat er na de berekening van de opleg van 80.000,00 € door notaris Wallays – in samenspraak mét beide partijen - er later geen andere discussies noch berekeningen zijn gedaan tussen partijen, hoe dan ook.
Though it is clear that after calculating the lay-on by 80,000, 00 € by notary Wallays – in consultation with both sides-there are no other threads nor later calculations done between parties, anyway.
It is clear that after calculating the surcharge of € 80,000.00 by notary Wallays - in consultation with both parties - there are no other discussions later or calculations made by the parties, anyway.
It is clear that after the calculation of the last minute of 80,000.00 € by notary Wallays - in consultation with both parties - there later no other discussions nor calculations have been made between the parties, however.