'Feyenoord moet Kuyt, Van den Berg en Narsingh halen'Tot afgelopen zon翻訳 - 'Feyenoord moet Kuyt, Van den Berg en Narsingh halen'Tot afgelopen zon英語言う方法

'Feyenoord moet Kuyt, Van den Berg

'Feyenoord moet Kuyt, Van den Berg en Narsingh halen'
Tot afgelopen zondag geloofde Feyenoord nog in de landstitel. Maar in de Arena werd weer pijnlijk duidelijk dat de ploeg aanvallend te weinig in huis heeft. PSV (51) en Ajax (45) maakten beduidend meer doelpunten dan de Kuipclub (33). Dat ligt natuurlijk niet alleen aan spits Colin Kazim-Richards.

Mario Been zegt het er voor de zekerheid maar even bij. De voormalig trainer van Feyenoord weet dat het geen geheim is dat hij de huidige clubleiding van Feyenoord nooit meer tot zijn vriendenkring zal rekenen. ,,Maar ik beperk mij gewoon tot de feiten en dan constateer ik, net als iedereen, dat er niet goed is geanticipeerd op het vertrek van Graziano Pellè,'' zegt Been. ,,Slechts 33 goals, dat kan toch geen verrassing zijn voor de clubleiding?''

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
' Feyenoord should get Kuyt, Van den Berg and N 'Until last Sunday believed Feyenoord still in the League title. But in the Arena once again became painfully obvious that the team has too little offensively. PSV (51) and Ajax (45) made significantly more goals than the tub club (33). That is of course not only to striker Colin Kazim-Richards.To be sure, but the Leg Mario says there a moment. The former trainer of Feyenoord know it no secret is that he is the current club leadership of Feyenoord never more to his circle of friends will count. , But I limit myself just to the facts and then, like everyone else, I note that there is not properly anticipated the departure of Graziano Pellè, '' says leg. ,, Only 33 goals, surely that is no surprise for the club lead? ' "
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Feyenoord must Kuyt, Van den Berg and Narsingh get '
Until last Sunday Feyenoord still believed in the title. But in the Arena was again painfully clear that the offensive team has too little in the house. PSV (51) and Ajax (45) were significantly more goals than the Cockpit Club (33). That of course is not only striker Colin Kazim-Richards. Mario Been saying it for security but equally at. The former coach of Feyenoord know that it is no secret that he will never among his friends the club's current Feyenoord. ,, But I confine myself to just the facts and then I notice, like everyone else, that is not good preparation for the departure of Graziano Pellè, '' said Bone. ,, Only 33 goals, which can not be a surprise for the club? ''

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
'Feyenoord must Kuyt, Van den Berg and Narsingh'
To get Feyenoord still believed last Sunday in the landstitel. But in the Arena was painfully clear that the plow harassing too little in house. PSV (51) Ajax (45) made significantly more goals than the Kuipclub (33). That is of course not only to spits Colin Kazim-Richards .

Mario Bone says the there for the security but for a moment. The former trainer of Feyenoord knows that it is not a secret is that he is the current clubleiding never more to his circle of Feyenoord will count. "But i will restrict myself to just the facts and that i, like everyone else, that there is not good for anticipating the departure of Graziano Pellè," says Bone. "Only 33 goals,That is surely not a surprise for the clubleiding? "

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