Erg fijn dat de verrassingsdoos vanuit Holland jullie betrekkelijk vlo翻訳 - Erg fijn dat de verrassingsdoos vanuit Holland jullie betrekkelijk vlo英語言う方法

Erg fijn dat de verrassingsdoos van

Erg fijn dat de verrassingsdoos vanuit Holland jullie betrekkelijk vlot
bereikt heeft ! Leuk te horen dat de Klompjes mooi zijn als Souvenir vanuit
Holland en we hopen dat de typisch Hollandse lekkernijen jullie goed zullen
smaken !
Leuk ook dat de Gremlins Collectie bij jullie nu zo leuk is uitgebreid met
wel hele fraaie bijzondere exemplaren. Deze waren nog niet in jullie
Collectie aanwezig

Voor nu ook voor jouw familie veel geluk en goede gezondheid toegewenst en
we hopen dat we ooit weer iets voor jullie zullen mogen betekenen !
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Very fine that the surprise box from Holland you relatively easyhas achieved! Nice to hear that the Nuggets are beautiful as souvenirs fromHolland and we hope that the typical Dutch treats you well willflavors!Nice also that the Gremlins Collection with you now so much fun has been expanded withvery beautiful special copies. These were not yet in yourCollectionFor now also for your family good luck and wishing you all the best and good healthwe hope that we will be allowed to do anything for you ever again!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Really liked the surprise box from Holland you relatively easily
achieved! Nice to hear that the Nuggets are beautiful as Souvenir from
Holland and we hope that the typical Dutch delicacies you will good
Also nice that the Gremlins Collection with you now so much has been extended by
it all pretty unusual ones. These were not in your
present collection

for now for your family wish you good luck and good health and
we hope that we will once again may mean something to you!
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
appreciate the mystery box on your relatively smoothly from hollandhas achieved. nice to hear that the nuggets are beautiful souvenirs fromholland and we hope that the typical dutch treats you welltaste!like the gremlins collection you love is extended withvery fine special copies. these were not in youcollection presentfor now, for your family happiness and good health to you andwe hope that once again we will do something for you!
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