NS neemt de komende jaren stroom af van het nieuwe windmolenpark Lucht翻訳 - NS neemt de komende jaren stroom af van het nieuwe windmolenpark Lucht英語言う方法

NS neemt de komende jaren stroom af

NS neemt de komende jaren stroom af van het nieuwe windmolenpark Luchterduinen voor de kust van IJmuiden en Zandvoort. Dat is onderdeel van het plan van de vervoerder om vanaf 2018 alle benodigde energie voor het spoor van nieuwe windmolenparken te krijgen. Deze maand werd de laatste turbine in Luchterduinen geplaatst, de eerste stroom ging naar NS.

De stroom uit Luchterduinen van energiebedrijf Eneco betreft jaarlijks 100 Gwh voor de spoorbedrijven, ongeveer twintig procent van de totale output. Het is het eerste nieuwe offshore windmolenpark in Nederland dat gaat leveren aan het spoor. Vanaf 2018 wil de vervoerder alle benodigde energie uit groene stroom betrekken. Samen met windmolenpark Noordoostpolder levert Luchterduinen vijftig procent van deze hoeveelheid. De rest komt uit Noorwegen, Zweden en België.

Groene stroom

Alle spoorvervoerders in Nederland hebben zich verenigd in VIVENS en onder leiding van NS het contract voor de levering van de groene stroom aan Eneco gegund. Die levert de spoorbedrijven 1,4 Terawattuur (TWu) aan groene stroom uit diverse bronnen. Dat is omgerekend het stroomgebruik van alle inwoners van Amsterdam. De concessie duurt tien jaar.

Dankzij treinen die minder energie gebruiken, machinisten die zuiniger rijden en verlichting niet onnodig aan laten, weten spoorwegvervoerders steeds meer energie te besparen. “Jaarlijks zo’n vijf procent aan stroomkosten”, weet NS-woordvoerder Edwin van Scherrenburg. Dat maakte het volgens hem haalbaar om het stroomgebruik te vergroenen zonder een meerprijs aan de reiziger door te berekenen.


Sinds 2005 is het stroomgebruik per reizigerskilometer bij NS al 30 procent minder. Momenteel kost iedere reizigerskilometer 13 gram aan CO2-uitstoot. In 2018, wanneer het volledige spoornet vergroend is, moet dat volgens NS nul zijn.

Eneco kreeg in 2011 een toezegging van maximaal 989 miljoen euro subsidie voor bouw en onderhoud van het windpark voor een periode van 20 jaar. Of dit bedrag ook volledig wordt uitgekeerd is afhankelijk van de toekomstige productie en elektriciteitsprijs.

Risico’s spreiden

Om de grote risico’s te spreiden die gepaard gaan met de exploitatie van een windmolenpark op zee, heeft Eneco een partnerschap met Mitsubishi gesloten. Die nam een belang van vijftig procent in het park. Het Prinses Amaliawindpark dat 17 kilometer noordelijker ligt, is ook van Eneco. Daarnaast ligt het OWEZ-park van Nuon/Shell.

De eerste stroom voor NS kwam in mei al uit Luchterduinen. Het park ligt op 23 kilometer buiten de kust tussen IJmuiden en Zandvoort, telt 43 windturbines en een hoogspanningsinstallatie (OHVS). Waterbouwkundige grootheid Van Oort was verantwoordelijk voor de plaatsing van de turbines. Daarvoor werd een speciaal installatieschip gebouwd, de Aeolus. Het is het eerste offshore windmolenpark sinds zeven jaar dat is gebouwd in Nederland.
ソース言語: オランダ語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Over the next few years takes power NS from the new wind farm Crystal dunes off the coast of IJmuiden and Zandvoort. That's part of the plan by the carrier to starting from 2018 all the necessary energy for the trail of new wind farms. This month, the latest in Crystal dunes turbine posted, the first stream went to NS. The power Crystal dunes of energy company Eneco affects 100 Gwh for the rail companies, about twenty percent of the total output. It is the first new offshore wind farm in Netherlands that goes to the track. Starting from 2018 would involve the carrier all the required energy from green power. Along with wind farm noordoostpolder delivers Crystal dunes fifty percent of this quantity. The rest comes from Norway, Sweden and Belgium. Green power All rail carriers in Netherlands have United in VIVENS and led by NS the contract for the supply of the green electricity to Eneco awarded. Which delivers the rail companies 1.4 Twh (TWu) to green electricity from various sources. That's converted the power consumption of all residents of Amsterdam. The concession is ten years. Thanks to trains that use less energy, train drivers operating more fuel efficient drive and lights unnecessarily, railway carriers know more and more to save energy. "Five percent annually on electricity costs," spokesman Edwin van Scherrenburg NS know. That made it feasible to power using greening without an additional cost to the passenger. CO2 emissions Since 2005 it is power consumption per passenger's kilometer at NS all 30 percent less. Currently costs each passenger's kilometer 13 grams of CO2 emissions. In 2018, when the entire rail network NS greened, that according to zero. Eneco in 2011 got a commitment of up to 989 million grant for construction and maintenance of the wind farm for a period of 20 years. If this amount is paid out is also completely depending on future production and electricity price. Spread risks In order to spread the high risks associated with the operation of a wind farm at sea, has a partnership with Mitsubishi closed Eneco. Who took a 50% interest in the park. The Princess Amalia wind farm that 17 kilometres further north is located, is also of Eneco. In addition, the OWEZ-park of Nuon/Shell. The first stream to NS in May came from Crystal dunes. The park is 14 km outside the coast between IJmuiden and Zandvoort, France wind turbines and a high-voltage installation (OHVS). Hydraulic engineering greatness of Oort was responsible for the placement of the turbines. A special installation was built, the ship Aeolus. It is the first offshore wind farm built in Netherlands since seven years.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

NS takes years to flow from the new wind farm Luchterduinen off the coast of IJmuiden and Zandvoort. That's part of the plan of the carrier from 2018 to get all the energy needed for the trail of new wind farms. This month was placed in the last turbine Luchterduinen, the first stream went to NS. The power Luchterduinen of Eneco concerns annually 100 GWh for the rail companies, about twenty percent of the total output. It is the first new offshore wind farm in the Netherlands will supply rail. From 2018, the carrier will involve all required energy from green power. Along with windfarm Northeast delivers Luchterduinen fifty percent of this amount. The rest comes from Norway, Sweden and Belgium. Green electricity All rail operators in the Netherlands are united in VIVENS and led by NS awarded the contract for the supply of green electricity to Eneco. Providing the rail companies 1.4 Terawatt-hour (TWh) of green power from various sources. That converts the power used by all the inhabitants of Amsterdam. The concession will last ten years. Thanks trains use less energy, drivers drive more economically and lighting unnecessarily let you know rail operators to save more energy. "Every year, some five percent in energy costs," says NS spokesman Edwin van Scherrenburg. That made ​​it feasible for it to be greener power usage without calculating an extra cost to the traveler through. CO2 emissions Since 2005, the power consumption per kilometer traveled by train for 30 percent less. Currently, every passenger kilometer costs 13 grams of CO2 emissions. In 2018, when the whole rail network is greened, which must be in accordance with NS zero. Eneco received in 2011 a commitment of up to 989 million euro grant for construction and maintenance of the wind farm for a period of 20 years. Of this amount also will be distributed entirely depends on future production and electricity price. spread Risks To spread the major risks associated with the operation of an offshore wind farm, Eneco has concluded a partnership with Mitsubishi. Which acquired a fifty percent in the park. Princess Amalia Wind Farm which is located 17 kilometers north, is also Eneco. It is also located OWEZ park Nuon / Shell. The first train came to power in May already out Luchterduinen. The park is located 23 kilometers off the coast between IJmuiden and Zandvoort, has 43 wind turbines and a high voltage installation (OHVS). Hydraulic greatness Van Oort was responsible for the placement of the turbines. For this, a special installation vessel was built, the Aeolus. It is the first offshore wind farm for seven years, which was built in the Netherlands.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

NS takes power from the next few years the new wind Luchterduinen the coast of IJmuiden and Zandvoort. That is part of the plan of the carrier from 2018 all the energy needed for the track of new wind farms. This month was the last turbine in Luchterduinen placed, the first power went to NS.

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The power from Luchterduinen of energy company Eneco, 100 Gwh annually for the spoorbedrijven,Approximately twenty percent of the total output. It is the first new offshore wind farm in the Netherlands that will contribute to the rail. From 2018, the carrier all the energy needed from green power. Together with wind Noordoostpolder delivers Luchterduinen fifty percent of this amount. The rest comes from Norway, Sweden and Belgium.

Green power

All rail operators in the Netherlands have united in VIVENS and under the leadership of NS the contract for the supply of the green power on Eneco awarded. Who provides the spoorbedrijven 1.4 Twh (TWu) to green power from various sources. That is converted into the power usage of all inhabitants of Amsterdam. The concession takes ten years.

Thanks trains which use less energy,Operators that more economical driving and lighting not unnecessarily to let, know rail freight transporters still to save more energy. "Annual five percent to electricity", know NS spokesman Edwin of Scherrenburg. That made it feasible to the power usage to greening without an additional cost to the traveller to calculate.

CO2 emissions

Since 2005, the power usage per passenger-km respectively at NS for 30 percent less. Currently cost each passenger-km respectively 13 grams of CO2 emissions. In 2018, when the entire rail network vergroend is, that according to NS zero.

Eneco was in 2011 a commitment of up to 989 million euro subsidy for construction and maintenance of the wind farm for a period of 20 years.This amount was paid in full or is also depending on the future production and electricity.

risks spreading

to the large spread risks associated with the operation of a wind farm at sea, has a partnership with Mitsubishi Eneco closed. Who took an interest of fifty percent in the park.The Prinses Amaliawindpark that 17 kilometers north is located, is also of Eneco. In addition, it lies OWEZ-park of Nuon/Shell.

The first power for NS came from Luchterduinen in May. The park is 23 kilometers outside the coast between IJmuiden and Zandvoort, counts 43 wind turbines and a high voltage plant (OHVS).Civil Engineering greatness Van Oort was responsible for the placement of the turbines. This was a special installatieschip build, the Aeolus. It is the first offshore wind farm for seven years that is built in The Netherlands.
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