Clasie: 'Kuyt zou fantastisch zijn'Van onze TelesportredactieFeyenoord翻訳 - Clasie: 'Kuyt zou fantastisch zijn'Van onze TelesportredactieFeyenoord英語言う方法

Clasie: 'Kuyt zou fantastisch zijn'

Clasie: 'Kuyt zou fantastisch zijn'

Van onze Telesportredactie
Feyenoord leek in een zetel te zitten toen het op 2-0 voorkwam tegen SC Cambuur en bovendien een man meer tussen de lijnen had. Uiteindelijk werd het toch nog een nipte aangelegenheid voor de Rotterdammers: 2-1 zege.
Dirk Kuyt komt Feyenoord liever niet tegen.
Dirk Kuyt komt Feyenoord liever niet tegen.
Foto: Hans van Tilburg
"Het is niet zorgelijk, maar het is wel vervelend dat we het niet eerder hebben beslist. Zij vallen nog aan en scoren met tien man, dat kan en mag niet", had Feyenoord-aanvoerder Jordy Clasie zich geërgerd in De Kuip.
De kans is groot dat Dirk Kuyt komende zomer de selectie van Feyenoord komt versterken. Dit tot vreugde van Clasie. "Iedereen weet hoe ongelooflijk fit hij is. En als hij naar Feyenoord zou komen zou dat natuurlijk fantastisch zijn. Hij is voor elke eredivisieclub een aanwinst", hield Clasie zich nog enigszins op de vlakte over de komst van de 34-jarige Kuyt..
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Kuyt Clasie: ' would be great 'Of our TelesportredactieFeyenoord seemed to sit in a seat when it came on 2-0 against SC Cambuur and, moreover, a man had more between the lines. In the end, it still matter for the Rotterdam-team: a narrow 2-1 win. Dirk Kuyt comes Feyenoord rather not against.Dirk Kuyt comes Feyenoord rather not against.Photo: Hans van Tilburg"It's not worrisome, but it is annoying that we have not previously decided. They fall and scoring with ten man, that can and should not "Jordy Clasie Feyenoord-captain, had itself been annoyed in the tub.Chances are that Dirk Kuyt of Feyenoord will strengthen the selection next summer. This to the delight of Clasie. "Everyone knows how incredibly fit he is. And if he would come to Feyenoord would that of course fantastic. He is an asset for each Premier League club ", are still somewhat on the plain Clasie held about the arrival of the 34-year-old Kuyt..
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Clasie 'Kuyt would be fantastic " From our Telesport Editors Feyenoord seemed to sit in a seat when it had occurred on 2-0 against SC Cambuur and moreover a man more between the lines. Eventually, it still was a narrow matter for the people of Rotterdam:. 2-1 victory Dirk Kuyt comes Feyenoord prefer not to. Dirk Kuyt comes Feyenoord prefer not to. Photo: Hans van Tilburg "It's not dangerous, but it is annoying that We have not previously decided it. They attack me and scoring with ten men, which can not and should not, "Feyenoord captain Jordy Clasie had annoyed at De Kuip. Chances are that Dirk Kuyt coming summer, the selection of Feyenoord strengthen. This joy of Clasie. "Everyone knows how incredibly fit he is. And when he would come to Feyenoord, that would be fantastic. He is an asset for any major league club," somewhat Clasie kept aloof about the advent of the 34-year-old Kuyt ..

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Clasie: 'Kuyt would be great'

Of our Telesportredactie
Feyenoord seemed to sit in a seat when the on (2-0) appeared against SC Cambuur and also had a man more between the lines. Finally was still a narrow matter for the two Rotterdam citizens: 2-1 victory.
Dirk Kuyt is Feyenoord prefer not against.
Dirk Kuyt is Feyenoord prefer not against.
Photo: Hans Tilburg
"It is not worrying, but it is annoying that we have not previously decided. They are still on and scoring with ten man, that cannot and must not", had Feyenoord-leader Jordy Clasie become angry in The Tub.
The chances are that Dirk Kuyt next summer the selection of Feyenoord will strengthen. This was pleased to Clasie. "Everyone knows how incredibly fit he is.And if he would come to Feyenoord would of course are fantastic. He is an asset for each eredivisieclub", loved Clasie is still somewhat in the plain on the advent of the 34-year-old Kuyt..
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