In ieder geval is hij net als u in de aanloop naar het WK, van harte welkom op de velden van FC Uitgeest. Daar zullen de dames in het Pinksterweekend vanaf 23 mei aftrappen voor het 1th International Women’s Soccer Tournament Uitgeest.
In any case, he is just like you in the run-up to the World Cup, welcome to the fields of FC Uitgeest. For that, the ladies in the Whitsun weekend from 23 may kill off for the 1th International Women's Soccer Tournament Uitgeest.
In any case, he's just like you in the run-up to the World Cup, welcome to the fields of FC Uitgeest. Since the ladies in the Whitsun weekend will kick off from 23 May to 1th International Women's Soccer Tournament Port Fairy.
In any case he is just as you in the run-up to the WORLD CUP, welcome to the fields of FC Uitgeest. There will be the ladies in the Whitsun weekend from 23 may well for the 1th International Women's Soccer Tournament Uitgeest.