U heef op 3 juli 2014 namens uw klient JDN verzocht om bij de uitkering van dividend door JDN aan JDC rekening te mogen houden met het verdragspercentage van 0 voor deelnemingsdividenden.
You yielded on 3 July 2014 on behalf of your requested to the JDN klient paying dividends by JDN to JDC to keep account with the Convention participation rate of 0 for dividends.
You Heef on July 3, 2014 on behalf of your klient JDN invited to dividend payment by JDN to JDC may take into account the treaty percentage of 0 for participation dividends.
YOU have to July 3, 2014 on behalf of your klient JDN requested that, in the payment of dividends by JDN to JDC account to keep with the verdragspercentage of 0 for deelnemingsdividenden.