doch de notaris heeft dit nadrukkelijk en schriftelijk tegengesproken 翻訳 - doch de notaris heeft dit nadrukkelijk en schriftelijk tegengesproken 英語言う方法

doch de notaris heeft dit nadrukkel

doch de notaris heeft dit nadrukkelijk en schriftelijk tegengesproken wanneer zij stelt “ik heb niet geadviseerd om het bedrag af te trekken sinds ik niet in de berekening tussen jullie beide gemengd was en ik had geen enkele informatie omtrent de verkoopswaarde van de wagen of de details van jullie regeling”.
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
but this will be explicitly stated and written by the notary has spoken when she says "I have not advised to deduct the amount since I was not in the calculation between you both mixed and I had no information about the sales value of the car or the details of your scheme".
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
but the notary has contradicted this explicitly and in writing when it states "I have not advised to deduct the amount since I was not either mixed in the calculation between you and I had no information about the resale value of the car or the details of you control. "
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
But the notary has contradicted this emphatically and in writing when it proposes "i have not recommended that the amount to be deducted in the calculation since i not between you both joint was and i had no information about the verkoopswaarde of the wagon or the details of your system".
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