Partijen ontvingen, voorafgaandelijk aan de ondertekening, geen vervolledigde noch aangepaste versie van de ontwerpovereenkomst, o.a. gelet op de tijdsdruk en de absolute eis van de heer Beernaert om de akte te ondertekenen voor 1 juni 2012.
Sides received, prior to the signing, no completed or modified version of the draft agreement, including in view of the time constraints and the absolute requirement of Mr Babu to sign the Act for 1 June 2012.
Parties received, prior to the signing, not completed or modified version of the draft agreement, including in view of the time constraints and the absolute requirement of Mr. Beernaert to sign the deed of June 1, 2012.
Parties received, prior to the signing, not completed or custom version of the draft agreement, including having regard to the time constraints and the absolute requirement for mr Beernaert to sign the act for June 1, 2012.