Tot haar grote ontsteltenis weigerde de heer Beernaert tot nog toe dit bedrag te betalen, zich beroepend op de definitieve tekst van de akte, waar geen sprake meer is van een te betalen opleg aan mevrouw Fukunishi.
To her dismay refused Mr Babu to pay this amount so far, citing the final text of the Act, where no question is more of a lay-on to pay to Mrs Fukunishi.
To her dismay, Mr. Beernaert has so far refused to pay this amount, invoking the final text of the act, which no longer has to pay a support to Ms. Fukunishi.
To her great dismay mr Beernaert hitherto refused to pay that amount, invoking the final text of the act, which is no longer a last minute to pay Mrs Fukunishi.