(de Cat. of Types vermeldt “Java mer.”, waarmede Fruhstorfer ook de Zuidkust in O. Java aangaf, maar hij vermeldt t.a.v. deze sort uitdrukkelijk in Seitz, dat hij ze alleen ten Z. van Soekaboemi en bij Palaboean Ratoe ving!)
(the Cat. or Types mentions "Java mer.", with which also the South coast in o. Fruhstorfer Java said, but he mentions Attn this sort them only in explicitly Seitz, z. of Palaboean and caught in Soekaboemi Ratoe!)
(Cat. Types of states "Java mer." Wherewith Fruhstorfer also indicated the South Coast in O. Java, but he mentions with regard to this sort expressly Seitz, that he caught just S. of Sukabumi and Palaboean Ratu!)
(The Cat. or Types shall enter "Java mer. ", which Fruhstorfer also the South Coast in O. Java said, but he mentions on these sort expressly in Seitz, that he only at Z. Soekaboemi and Palaboean Ratoe ving!)