OK, zal ik betalen via bankoverschrijving. Aan u het geld ontvangt, kunt u de beren te sturen. Dus laat het me weten het volgende: verzendkosten Uw bankgegevens, IBAN, BIC, Bank naam ...
OK, I will pay by bank transfer. To you the money, you can send the bears.So please let me know the following:shipping costsYour bank details, IBAN, BIC, Bank name ...
OK, I will pay by bank transfer. To receive the money, you can send the bears. So please let me know the following: shipping Your bank details, IBAN BIC Bank name ...
OK, i will pay by bank transfer. You receive the money, you can send the bears. So let me know the following: shipping Your banking details, IBAN, BIC, Bank name ...