Nicolai Boilesen trainde eerder deze week nog apart van de groep, maar deed vrijdag gewoon weer mee met de groep. Na twee uur trainen liepen de laatste Ajacieden het trainingsveld af, op weg naar hun gezamenlijke lunch.
Nicolai Boilesen trained earlier this week still apart of the group but did Friday just back with the group. After two hours of training were walking off the training field, the last AJAX players on their way to lunch.
Nicolai Boilesen trained earlier this week apart from the group, but did just turn Friday with the group. After two hours, the last train ran off Ajax training, on their way to lunch together.
Nicolai Boilesen trained earlier this week apart from the group, but it did just friday again with the group. After two hours the training pitch train walked the last Ajacieden, on their way to their joint lunch.