Voor Bilal Ould-Chikh (Benfica) ligt een bewogen jaar achter hem. Vóór翻訳 - Voor Bilal Ould-Chikh (Benfica) ligt een bewogen jaar achter hem. Vóór英語言う方法

Voor Bilal Ould-Chikh (Benfica) lig

Voor Bilal Ould-Chikh (Benfica) ligt een bewogen jaar achter hem. Vóór hem ligt een jaar waarin hij beterschap moet tonen, binnen en buiten het veld.

Het was de zomer van 2015. Bilal Ould-Chikh had een wisselend jaar achter de rug bij FC Twente. De toen nog 17-jarige buitenspeler speelde vijftien eredivisiewedstrijden, waarvan vier in de basis, en scoorde één keer. Voor Jong FC Twente kwam hij elf keer in actie. De onderhandelingen met FC Twente over een nieuw contract waren afgebroken en een aanbod om bij te tekenen, liet hij aan zich voorbijgaan. Ould-Chikh stond op het punt te tekenen bij de Portugese gigant Benfica.

“Voorbeeld geven”

In de voorbereiding op het EK Onder-19 in Griekenland sprak ik, de Goal -verslaggever, met het talent op het complex van VVOG in Harderwijk, waar de Nederlandse selectie onder leiding van bondscoach Aron Winter net een training had afgewerkt.

Voor me zat een trotse jongen, zijn lichte ogen glinsterden. Hij had er net een broertje bij, twee maanden oud. “Ik woon nog bij mijn ouders in Hengelo, heb ook een broertje van 15, een zusje van 12 en een broertje van 7. Ik ben de oudste, moet het voorbeeld geven. Dat lukt wel. Ik heb een heel leuk gezin, ik heb het naar mijn zin thuis.”

Zijn overgang naar Benfica was toen nog niet rond, althans, nog niet helemaal. “Ik word door iedereen al gefeliciteerd, maar ik heb nog geen krabbel gezet en ben nog niet medisch gekeurd”, zei hij. Hij keek uit naar het EK, waarin van hem als speler met de meeste Eredivisie-ervaring wat mocht worden verwacht. “Dat weet ik, maar ik moet gewoon mijn spel spelen. Het gaat om het team. Ik wil het EK winnen.” Hij verwachtte geen last de hebben van de ramadan. “Ik krijg kracht van god.”

Teleurstellend EK

In Griekenland stond hij er, aanvankelijk, op de training in Andromachi aan de voet van de berg Olympus, met bravoure en kaalgeschoren hoofd. “Haha, verkeerde hoek”, riep hij naar clubgenoot Joël Drommel, de keeper, toen hij een penalty benutte. Of grappend naar Laros Duarte. “Hé, lariekoek!” Of met een serieuze aanwijzing voor Michel Vlap voor het nemen van een hoekschop: “Neem een korte aanloop en schiet met veel kracht, geloof me.”

Bij vlagen liet Ould-Chikh ook zijn klasse zien, vergde hij met zijn combinatie van snelheid en techniek het uiterste van zijn tegenstanders op het trainingsveld. Dat beloofde wat. In de eerste wedstrijd tegen Rusland was hij incidenteel een beetje gevaarlijk, maar het hield niet over. Wel was hij met een vrije trap van rechts de aangever op de winnende kopgoal van Pelle van Amersfoort.

Ould-Chikh werd na een uur spelen vervangen. Bondscoach Winter liet weten dat zijn aanvaller nog niet op honderd procent van zijn fitheid zit. De volgende wedstrijd tegen Duitsland (0-1 verlies) speelde hij wel de hele wedstrijd en in het laatste groepsduel met Spanje (1-1), waarna Oranje was uitgeschakeld, werd Ould-Chikh al bij rust naar de kant gehaald.

Zijn toernooi verliep niet in een stijgende lijn, integendeel. Ook op de trainingen werd hij minder actief, mede ook vanwege vermoeidheid door de ramadan. Op wedstrijddagen sloeg hij het vasten over.

Moeizaam begin bij Benfica

Zijn teleurstellende toernooi weerhield Benfica er niet van het contract door te zetten. Op 30 juli, twee dagen na zijn achttiende verjaardag tekende hij voor vijf jaar. In de Portugese hoofdstad Lissabon kwam Ould-Chikh in het begin van het seizoen niet aan spelen toe, niet in het tweede en zeker niet in het eerste.

Winter liet het talent bij de start van de nieuwe EK-kwalificatiecyclus met Onder-19 ook links liggen. Vanaf eind september kwam Ould-Chikh wat regelmatiger in actie, als invaller bij Benfica B, dat uitkomt op het tweede Portugese niveau.

“Goede kant op”

In november stond Ould-Chikh voor de eerste keer in de basis bij het tweede en kreeg hij ook weer een oproep van Winter, voor twee oefenwedstrijden tegen Engeland en Tsjechië. In het eerste duel met de Engelsen (2-2) viel hij in en na afloop sprak ik hem in de catacomben van sportpark Juliana in ’s-Gravenzande.

“Ik heb Nederland gemist”, zei hij. “In Portugal heb ik weinig vrije tijd, dus ik ben blij om terug te zijn.” Hij verklaarde zijn afwezigheid in het begin van het seizoen: “Ik was niet echt fit genoeg. Nu wel en ik speel ook meer wedstrijden in Portugal. Het gaat de goede kant op.”

Leren van Júlio César

Hij moest wennen in Portugal, maar voelde zich steeds beter thuis. Niet alleen in zijn appartement in het centrum van Lissabon, waar hij regelmatig bezoek krijgt van familie, maar ook begon hij het Portugees beter te begrijpen en vond hij op het voetbalveld beter zijn weg. “Ik begin het echt naar mijn zin te krijgen, begin mijn draai te vinden. Het niveauverschil met wat ik in Nederland gewend was, is erg hoog. De trainingen zijn ook veel zwaarder. Het spel in Portugal is fysieker, feller. Daar word ik sterker van.”

“Ik train wel met het eerste, met spelers als Luisão, Nico Gaitán, Jonas, Eliseu, jongens met veel ervaring en een mooie carrière. Mijn medespelers zijn fantastisch. Ik ben de jongste, ook van het tweede, en ze geven me veel tips. Keeper Júlio César coacht me altijd in kleine partijtjes. Het moet feller, zegt hij bijvoorbeeld. Ook geeft hij vertrouwen en laat hij zien wat ik moet doen. Die raad neem ik aan van zo’n grote keeper.”

“Spijt heb ik nog zeker niet”, ging Ould-Chikh verder. “Wie wil er nu niet voor zo’n grote club spelen? Ik heb nog niet in het grote stadion gespeeld, omdat we met het tweede in een klein stadion spelen, op ons trainingscomplex. Maar als ik zo doorga, komt dat binnenkort. Mijn doelstelling is dit jaar bij eerste komen. Daar ben ik voor gekomen. Daar moet ik hard voor werken en dat doe ik ook. Ik geloof in mezelf. Met mijn talent en met hulp van de mensen in mijn omgeving ga ik het redden.”

“Ook de trainer (Rui Vitória) heeft vertrouwen in me”, zei Ould-Chikh. “Ik moet volgens hem geduld hebben. Ze hebben aangegeven dat ze me rustig willen brengen. De club heeft plannen met me, wil me laten doorstromen naar het eerste. Als dat wordt gezegd, komt het goed.”


Twee dagen later. De KNVB kwam met een persbericht. Ould-Chikh was samen met ook Calvin Verdonk (Feyenoord) en Sherel Floranus (Sparta) vanuit Tsjechië naar huis gestuurd vanwege “onprofessioneel gedrag.” Naar verluidt hadden ze vrouwen meegenomen naar hun hotelkamer.

“Ondanks alles kom ik sterker terug”, liet Ould-Chikh direct via Instagram weten. Een paar weken later werkte hij zich weer in de nesten. Ould-Chikh, sinds januari in het bezit van een rijbewijs, werd rondom Bordeaux aangehouden omdat hij met zijn Mercedes C 63 AMG 230 kilometer per uur op de snelweg had gereden.


Sinds de incidenten speelde hij ook geen wedstrijden meer voor Benfica, maar begin december liet hij via Instagram weten in ieder geval weer te trainen en op 9 december maakte hij als invaller zijn rentree. Tien dagen later mocht hij opnieuw invallen, in zijn achtste duel voor Benfica B . Hoopvolle tekenen voor het nieuwe jaar, een jaar waarin Ould-Chikh zich weer eens zou moeten laten zien, op het veld welteverstaan.

ソース言語: オランダ語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
For Bilal Ould-life A.k.s (Benfica) is a turbulent year behind him. Before him is a year in which he get well soon should show, inside and outside the field. It was the summer of 2015. Bilal Ould-life A.k.s had a mixed year at FC Twente. The then 17-year-old outdoor player played five ten Premier League games, including four in the base, and scoring once. For Jong FC Twente he came eleven times in action. The negotiations were broken off on a new contract with FC Twente and an offer to draw, he left to itself passing. Ould-life A.k.s was about to sign with the Portuguese giant Benfica."Example" In preparation for the UEFA under-19 in Greece I spoke, the Goal-reporter, with the talent on the complex of VVOG in Harderwijk, where the Dutch selection led by national coach Aron Winter had just finished a workout.For me was a proud boy, his light eyes glistened. He had a brother, just two months old. "I still live with my parents in Hengelo, also have a brother of 15, a sister of 12 and a brother of 7. I am the oldest, should set an example. That works though. I have a very nice family, I have my home. "His transition to Benfica was still not around, at least, not yet at all. "I am everyone already congratulations, but I still have no comment and am still not medically qualified", he said. He looked forward to the European Championships, in which from him as player with the most Division 1-Eredivisie-experience what should be expected. "I know, but I just have to play my game. It comes to the team. I want to win the European Championships. " He expected no last the having the ramadan. "I get power of god."Disappointing EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS In Greece he was standing there, initially, on the training in Andromachi at the foot of Mount Olympus, with bravado and shaven head. "Haha, wrong angle", he called to club mate Joël Devi, the keeper, when he utilized a penalty. Or jokingly to Lady Duarte. "Ho, HO, hogwash!" Or with a serious indication for Michel Vlap for taking a corner kick: "take a short run up and shoot with much force, believe me."At times left Ould-life A.k.s also see his class, he took with his combination of speed and technique the extreme of his adversaries on the training pitch. That promised what. In the first game against Russia, he was occasionally a little dangerous, but it didn't stop. Though he was with a free kick from the right by the declarant on the winning kopgoal Amersfoort.Ould-life A.k.s was replaced after an hour of playing. Coach Winter announced that his attacker not yet on one hundred percent of his fitness. The next game against Germany (0-1 loss) he played the whole game and in the last group game with Spain (1-1), after which Orange was off, was Ould-life A.k.s all at rest to the side.His tournament was not in a rising line, on the contrary. Also on the training he became less active, partly because of fatigue by ramadan. On game days, he hit the fast about it.Difficult start at Benfica His disappointing tournament did not prevent Benfica from the contract. On 30 July, two days after his eighteenth birthday, he signed for five years. In the Portuguese capital of Lisbon came Ould-life A.k.s in the beginning of the season not to play, not in the second, and certainly not in the first.Winter left the talent at the start of the new European Championship qualifying cycle with under-19 also. From the end of september came Ould-life A.k.s what more regular in action, coming on as a substitute at Benfica B, which plays in the Portuguese second level."Right direction" In november was Ould-life A.k.s for the first time in the base at the second and he also got a call from Winter, for two exhibition games against England and the Czech Republic. In the first duel with the English (2-2) he fell in and after I spoke to him in the catacombs of Sportpark Juliana in's-gravenzande."I have Netherlands missed", he said. "In Portugal I have little free time, so I'm glad to be back." He explained his absence at the beginning of the season: "I wasn't really fit enough. Now though and I also play more matches in Portugal. It's going in the right direction. "Learn from Júlio César He had to get used in Portugal, but was getting better at home. Not only in his apartment in the Centre of Lisbon, where he regularly visited by family, but he also began to better understand Portuguese and he found on the football field better his way. "I start to get really to my liking, start my turn. The level difference with what I was used to in Netherlands, is very high. The workouts are also much heavier. The game in Portugal is becomes more physical, feller. That makes me stronger. ""I train with the first, with players like Luisão, Nico Gaitán, Jonas, Eliseu, guys with a lot of experience and a rewarding career. My fellow players are fantastic. I am the youngest, also from the second, and they give me a lot of tips. Keeper Júlio César coaches me always in small parties. It should be brighter, he says for example. He also gives confidence and let him see what I need to do. That Board I assume such a large keeper. ""Regret I have certainly not", Ould-life A.k.s went further. "Who wouldn't want to play for such a big club? I have not yet played in the main stadium, because we play in a small stadium, with the second on our training complex. But if I continue, it's soon. My objective this year is at first. I am for. I have to work hard and I do too. I believe in myself. With my talent and with the help of the people in my area I'm going to save it. ""Also the trainer (Rui Vitória) has faith in me," said Ould-life A.k.s. According to him, "I have to be patient. They have indicated that they want to bring me quiet. The club has plans with me, let me move on to the first. As that is said, it comes good. "Incidents Two days later. The KNVB came with a press release. Ould-life A.k.s was also along with Calvin Verdonk (Feyenoord) and Peter Flor anus (Sparta) from Czech Republic sent home because of "unprofessional conduct." Allegedly they had women taken to their hotel room."In spite of everything, I come back stronger", Ould-life A.k.s directly via instagram know. A few weeks later he worked his way back into the nests. Ould-life A.k.s, since January in possession of a driver's license, was around Bordeaux held because his Mercedes C 63 AMG 230 kilometres per hour on the highway had driven.2016 Since the incidents, he played no games for Benfica, but at the beginning of december he left via instagram know in any case again to train and on 9 december he made his comeback as a substitute. Ten days later he was allowed again raids, in its eighth game for Benfica B. Hopeful signs for the new year, a year in which Ould-life A.k.s itself would once again have to show, on the field that is.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

For Bilal Ould-Chikh (Benfica) is a eventful year behind him. Before him is a year in which he must show improvement within and outside the field. It was the summer of 2015. Bilal Ould-Chikh had a mixed year behind at FC Twente. The then 17-year-old winger played fifteen league games, including four in the base, and scored once. For FC Twente he took action eleven times. The negotiations with FC Twente were broken on a new contract and an offer to sign with, he let pass by itself. Ould-Chikh was about to draw the point with the Portuguese giant Benfica. "Preview" In preparation for the European Under-19 in Greece I spoke, the Goal -verslaggever, with the talent on the complex of VVOG in Harderwijk, The Dutch team, led by head coach Aron Winter had just finished a workout. For me was a proud boy, his pale eyes sparkled. He had just a brother, two months old. "I still live with my parents in Hengelo, also have a brother of 15, a sister of 12 and a sibling of 7. I am the oldest, must set the example. That will work. I have a very nice family, I'm enjoying myself at home. "His transition to Benfica was not around, at least, not quite. "I'm already congratulated by everyone, but I do not scribble put yet and am not medically qualified", he said. He looked forward to the European Championship, which for him as a player with the most Eredivisie experience what might be expected. "I know, but I just need to play my game. It's about the team. I want to win the European Championship. "He expected no trouble having the Ramadan. "I get strength from God." Disappointing European Championship in Greece he was there, initially on the training Andromachi at the foot of Mount Olympus, with bravado and shaved head. "Haha, wrong angle," he shouted to teammate Joel Dickens, the keeper when he converted a penalty. Or jokingly to Laros Duarte. "Hey, nonsense!" Or as strong evidence Michel vlap for taking a corner: "Take a short run and shoot with great power, believe me." At times Ould-Chikh also showed his class, he took with his combination of speed and technique to the utmost of his opponents from training. He promised what. In the first game against Russia he was occasionally a little dangerous, but it did not like about it. But he was a free kick from the right to the declarant on the winning kopgoal Pelle of Amersfoort. Ould-Chikh play was replaced after an hour. Winter head coach said that his attacker is still not one hundred percent of his fitness. The next game against Germany (0-1 loss), he played the whole match and in the final group match against Spain (1-1), after Orange was off, Ould-Chikh was already called off the pitch at half time. His tournament went not in an upward trend, on the contrary. Also on the training he became less active, partly because of fatigue from Ramadan. On match days, he hit the fasting. Laborious start at Benfica put his disappointing tournament kept Benfica do not like the contract. On July 30, two days after his eighteenth birthday, he signed for five years. In the Portuguese capital Lisbon Ould-Chikh came at the beginning of the season to play, not in the second and certainly not in the first. Winter showed talent at the start of the new European Championship qualifying cycle with Under-19 also left lie. From late September Ould-Chikh was some steadier in action, as a substitute for Benfica B, which opens on the second Portuguese level. "Good way" in November Ould-Chikh stood for the first time in the base in the second and he got again a call of Winter for two exhibition games against England and the Czech Republic. In the first match against the English (2-2) fell in and after I spoke to him in the catacombs of sports Juliana in 's-Gravenzande. "I missed the Netherlands," he said. "In Portugal I have little free time, so I'm happy to be back." He explained his absence at the beginning of the season: "I was not really fit enough. And now I play more matches in Portugal. Moving in the right direction. "Learning from Júlio César He had to get used to in Portugal, but felt more at home. Not only in his apartment in the center of Lisbon, where he regularly visited by family, but he also began to better understand Portuguese and he felt better on the football away. "I'm starting to get really enjoying myself, beginning to find my niche. The level difference with what I was used to in the Netherlands is very high. The courses are also much heavier. The game in Portugal is more physical, more ferocious. There, I am stronger. "" I'll train with the first, with players like Luisão, Nico Gaitán, Jonas, Eliseu, guys with a lot of experience and a rewarding career. My teammates are fantastic. I'm the youngest, also on the second, and they give me lots of tips. Goalkeeper Júlio César is coaching me always in small parties. It should brighten, he says, for example. He also gives confidence and he shows me what to do. That board I assume such a great goalkeeper. "" Sorry, I have certainly not, "Ould-Chikh continued. "Who would not want to play for such a big club? I have not played in the main stadium, because we play with the second in a small stadium, at our training complex. But if I continue, it is coming soon. My goal this year is to come first. That's what I came for. I must work hard and I do too. I believe in myself. With my talent and with the help of the people around me, I'm going to make it. "" The coach (Rui Vitória) has confidence in me, "said Ould-Chikh. "I have to be patient, he says. They have indicated that they want to bring me calm. The club has plans for me, wants me to move on to the first. When that is said, it will be okay. "Incidents two days later. The KNVB came out with a press release. Ould-Chikh was with also Calvin Verdonk (Feyenoord) and Sherel Floranus (Sparta) from the Czech Republic sent home because of "unprofessional conduct." Allegedly they had brought women to their hotel room. "Despite everything, I come back stronger", said Ould -Chikh know directly via Instagram. A few weeks later he was again in trouble. Ould-Chikh, in January in possession of a driving license, was arrested around Bordeaux because he had driven his Mercedes C 63 AMG 230 kilometers per hour on the highway. 2016 Since the incident, he did not play more games for Benfica, but start December, he left via Instagram know in training anyway and again on December 9 he made ​​his comeback as a substitute. Ten days later he was allowed to raids again, in his eighth game for Benfica B. Hopeful signs for the new year, a year in which Ould-Chikh himself again should show, to be exact on the field.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

ould bilal for chikh (benfica) is an eventful year behind him. before him is a year in which he will have to show, inside and outside the field.

it was the summer of 2015. chikh ould bilal had a mixed year with fc twente. the then 17-year-old outfielder played 15 eredivisiewedstrijden, four in the base, and scored once.for young fc twente, he was eleven times in action. the negotiations on a new contract with fc twente were broken and an offer to sign, he had to pass. ould chikh was about to sign with the portuguese giant benfica.

"example" in preparation for the ek (- 19 in greece i spoke, the goal - reporter.with the talent on the complex of vvog in harderwijk, where the dutch selection under the leadership of bondscoach aron winter had just finished a training.

for me was a proud boy, his blue eyes sparkled. he just had a baby brother, two months old. "i still live with my parents in hengelo, also have a little brother of 15, a sister and a brother of 7 of 12. i'm the oldest.to give an example. i can do that. i have a very nice family, i'm on my way home. "
" transition to benfica wasn't around, at least, not yet. "i'm happy by everyone, but i haven't put on medical examination and haven't," he said. he looked forward to the ek.of him as a player with the most league experience what should be expected. "i know, but i just play my game. it's about the team. i want to win the european championship. "he didn't have the burden of ramadan. "i get strength from god." ek

disappointing in greece he was, initially, the training in andromachi at the foot of mount olympus.with bravado and shaved head. "ha ha, wrong", he called to clubgenoot (sod, the goalkeeper, when he used a penalty. or to grappend laros duarte. "hey, humbug! "or with a serious indication for michel vlap for taking a corner:" take a short run and shoot with great strength, believe me. "

ould chikh waves showed his class.he took his combination of speed and technique the edge of his opponents on the training ground. what it promised. in the first game against russia, he was occasionally a bit dangerous, but it was not. he was a free kick from the right of the principal on the winning kopgoal town of amersfoort.

ould chikh was replaced after an hour of play.bondscoach winter said that his assailant is not 100% of his fitness. the next game against germany (0 - 1 loss), he played the whole game and in the last groepsduel with spain (1), and orange was eliminated, was at rest chikh ould benched.

his tournament was not rising, on the contrary.in the training, he became less active, partly because of fatigue by ramadan. he knocked on wedstrijddagen fasting.

benfica difficult start to be kept benfica disappointing tournament not to continue the contract. on july 30, two days after his 18th birthday, he signed for five years.in the portuguese capital lisbon ould chikh came at the beginning of the season to play in the second, and certainly not in the first winter.

showed talent at the start of the new ek - kwalificatiecyclus with under - 19 also left. from the end of september ould chikh what regular action, as understudy to benfica b, that leads to the second portuguese level.

"good side"

ould chikh was in november for the first time on the basis of the second and he got a call from winter, two practice games against england and the czech republic. in the first duel with the english (2) he fell in and after i talked to him in the catacombs of sportpark juliana in's-gravenzande.

"i've missed the netherlands," he said."in portugal, i have little free time, so i'm happy to be back." he explained his absence in the beginning of the season: "i wasn't really fit. and now i play more games in portugal. it's a good way of learning. "

he júlio cesar was used in portugal, but felt more at home.not only in his apartment in the centre of lisbon, where he regularly visits from family, but he started the portuguese to understand better and better on the football field, he found his way. "i'm really happy to get start to find my way. the more with what i was used to in the netherlands, is very high. the training is much heavier.the game is more... physical in portugal, brighter. it makes me stronger. "

" i train with the first, with players like luisão, nico gaitán, jonas, eliseu, boys with much experience and a good career. my players are fantastic. i'm the youngest, also the second, and they give me a lot of tips. júlio goalkeeper cesar's coaching me always in small parties. it is brighter.for example, he says. he also gives confidence and show what i can do. the council i take such a great goalkeeper. "

" sorry i have certainly not "ould chikh, went further. "who wouldn't want to play for a big club? i haven't played in a large stadium, the second because we play in a small stadium, trainingscomplex on us. but if i go on,coming soon. my goal this year is to first. that's what i came here for. i have to work hard and i do. i believe in myself. with my talent and with the help of the people around me i'm going to make it. "

" the trainer (rui vitória) has faith in me, "said ould chikh. "i must have patience.they have indicated that they want to bring me down. the club has plans for me, let me move on to the first. as it is said, is the good

"incidents." two days later. the question came up with a press release. ould chikh was together with calvin verdonk (feyenoord) and sherel floranus (sparta) from the czech republic sent home because of unprofessional conduct."they had women reportedly taken to their hotel room.

" despite everything i come back stronger, let ould chikh directly through instagram. a few weeks later he was again in trouble. ould chikh since january in the possession of a license, was arrested around bordeaux because his mercedes c 63 amg 230 miles per hour on the freeway had driven 2016.

"since the incident, he played no games for benfica early december, but he had at least through instagram to train and on 9 december, he made his return as a substitute. ten days later, he was again in his eighth duel for raids, benfica b. hopeful signs for the new year, a year in which ould chikh should show himself again.on the field that is.

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