Cindi Blyberg is a photographer and librarian living and working in Kentucky and Connecticut. She specializes in candid portraits of individuals, but enjoys landscape and abstract photography as well. Her work has appeared in Library Journal, School Library Journal, LIBREAS, the New York Times, Digitale Bibliotheek, and on numerous websites, including Utata: Tribal Photography, zenhabits, and The Economist‘s online magazine, More Intelligent Life. Her work is popular among authors and bloggers; portraits appear on numerous book jackets, library blogs, and social media websites.
Please contact Cindi to set up an appointment. She attends several library conferences annually and is located in Lexington, Kentucky and Trumbull, Connecticut.
email: cindiann at gmail dot com
IM: cindiblyberg
twitter: cindi
You can also find Cindi on Facebook and LinkedIn, or visit her online print store.
Many of Cindi’s photos are licensed for use via Creative Commons. If you use one of these photos for non-commercial purposes, please note that attribution by name or via link is required. Please contact Cindi to inquire about commercial uses.