1 Milieueffectrapportage1.1 Voornemen/initiatiefOm te kunnen voldoen a翻訳 - 1 Milieueffectrapportage1.1 Voornemen/initiatiefOm te kunnen voldoen a英語言う方法

1 Milieueffectrapportage1.1 Voornem

1 Milieueffectrapportage
1.1 Voornemen/initiatief
Om te kunnen voldoen aan de toenemende energievraag en de betrouwbaarheid van elektriciteitsnetwerk
te garanderen bestaat het voornemen om tussen het bestaande 150kV-station
Waarderpolder (gemeente Haarlem) en het te realiseren 380kV/150kV-station Vijfhuizen (gemeente
Haarlemmermeer) een nieuwe ondergrondse hoogspanningskabelverbinding aan te leggen.
Het betreft een tweede 150kV-verbinding tussen deze stations. De tracélengte is circa 4,1
De kabelverbinding is voor een groot deel van het tracé nog niet planologisch geregeld. Met een
omgevingsvergunning kan voor het specifieke project worden afgeweken van de geldende bestemmingsplannen.
Voorliggende rapportage vormt de ruimtelijke onderbouwing die nodig is om
af te kunnen wijken van de bestemmingsplannen om de aanleg van het 150kV-kabeltracé mogelijk
te maken in de gemeente Haarlemmermeer. Om de aanleg van het 150kV-kabeltrace mogelijk
te maken in de gemeente Haarlem wordt een aparte procedure doorlopen. Voor het deel in de
gemeente Haarlemmerliede is geen planologische procedure benodigd.
1.2 Waarom deze vormvrije m.e.r. – beoordeling
Voor dit project geldt dat de activiteit voorkomt in onderdeel D van de bijlagen bij het besluit
m.e.r. De drempelwaarde wordt niet overschreden. Voor het project geldt een zogenaamde
vormvrije m.e.r.-beoordelingsplicht. In tabel 1.1 is de activiteit en de daarvoor geldende drempelwaarde
zoals opgenomen in het Besluit m.e.r. weergegeven.
Voor dit project geldt dat het een hoogspanningkabel betreft met een spanning van 150 kilovolt.
Aan het eerste criterium wordt voldaan. De kabel ligt gepland over een lengte van 4,1 kilometer
en deels in gevoelige gebieden (aardkundig monument, archeologische monument en Ecologische
Hoofdstructuur). Aan het tweede criterium wordt niet voldaan omdat de lengte van het
kabeltracé niet groter is dan 5 kilometer.
Tabel 1.1 Relevante categorie Besluit m.e.r.
Activiteiten M.e.r.-
Plannen Besluiten
D 24.2 Aanleg, wijziging
of uitbreiding van
een ondergrondse
Spanning ≥ 150 kilovolt
en een lengte van
≥ 5 km in een gevoelig
De structuurvisie,
bedoeld in de artikelen
2.1, 2.2 en 2.3
van de Wet ruimtelijke
ordening, en de plannen,
bedoeld in de
artikelen 3.1, eerste
lid, 3.6, eerste lid,
onderdelen a en b,
van die wet.
Het plan, bedoeld in
artikel 3.6, eerste lid,
onderdelen a en b,
van de Wet ruimtelijke
ordening dan wel bij
het ontbreken daarvan
van het plan,
bedoeld in artikel 3.1,
eerste lid, van die wet
of het besluit, bedoeld
in artikel 6.5, onderdeel
c, van de Waterwet.
Om het project planologisch mogelijk te maken wordt door de gemeente Haarlem een dubbelbestemming
Hoogspanning opgenomen in het voorliggende bestemmingsplan.
In artikel 2 lid 5 van het Besluit m.e.r. is bepaald dat de drempelwaarden genoemd in de D-lijst
indicatief zijn. Dat wil zeggen dat een activiteit, ook al blijft deze onder de drempelwaarde, toch
m.e.r. (beoordelings) plichtig kan zijn, gelet op de kenmerken en/of de plaats van het project of
gelet op de kenmerken van het potentiële effect, zoals benoemd in EU richtlijn milieubeoordeling
projecten, waarvan de selectiecriteria hieronder worden weergegeven.
Omdat de drempelwaarden D24.2 uit het Besluit m.e.r. niet worden overschreden, is een zogenaamde
'vormvrije m.e.r.- beoordeling' uitgevoerd.
De m.e.r.-plicht voor plannen kan ook voortkomen uit de Natuurbeschermingswet 1998. Plannen
of besluiten voor activiteiten die mogelijk leiden tot significante gevolgen op Natura 2000 gebieden
moeten worden getoetst middels een passende beoordeling. Wettelijke plannen waarvoor
deze passende beoordeling moet worden gemaakt zijn ook m.e.r.-plichtig. Voor het voorliggende
bestemmingsplan is geen passende beoordeling te worden opgesteld, een m.e.r.-plicht is dus
ook niet aan de orde.
1.3 Vormvrije m.e.r.-beoordeling
De vormvrije m.e.r.-beoordeling bestaat uit een toets aan Bijlage III EU richtlijn milieubeoordeling
projecten. In hoofdlijnen dient het project te worden getoetst aan:
1. Kenmerken van het project;
2. Plaats van het project;
3. Kenmerken van het potentiële effect.
In onderstaande tabel worden de mogelijke milieueffecten behandeld. Eerst wordt een beschrijving
gegeven van de kenmerken van de activiteit en de plaats van de activiteit. Vervolgens wordt
ingegaan op de kenmerken van de gevolgen van de activiteit. Hierbij wordt gekeken of er mogelijk
(belangrijke) nadelige milieugevolgen ontstaan en of er verzachtende (mitigerende) en compenserende
maatregelen kunnen worden genomen om eventueel het milieueffect te verminderen
of teniet te doen).
Kenmerken van de projecten
Omvang van het project (relatie
met drempel D lijst)
Relatie met Categorie D24.2.
Kenmerken Toelichting
Lengte kabel tracé Ca. 4,1 kilometer
Spanningsniveau 150 kV
Ondergronds / bovengronds
Wijze van aanleg Open ontgraven en horizontaal
gestuurde boring
Kruising van
Horizontaal gestuurde boring
Breedte kabelbed De beoogde strook (met drie
kabels) is circa 1 meter
breed met aan beide kanten
een 5 meter brede beschermingszone.
Diepte kabel Ongeveer 1,25 meter (uitgezonderd
de locaties Veerpad
en Ringvaart Haarlemmermeer),
Hier ligt de kabel
circa 20 meter diep)
Aanlegduur +/- 9 maanden
Cumulatie met andere projecten De kabelverbinding is noodzakelijk vanwege gebiedsontwikkelingen,
het vervangen van verouderde kabelverbindingen
en om tegemoet te komen aan de steeds
verder toenemende vraag naar elektriciteit. Naast de
uitbreiding van Station Vijfhuizen tot 380 kV station
zijn er geen andere projecten in de omgeving van het
kabeltracé waarmee cumulatie mogelijk is en waarmee
rekening moet worden gehouden.
Gebruik natuurlijke hulpbronnen Grond en (backfill) zand. De uitkomende grond van de
te graven sleuf wordt naast de sleuf gelegd. Vervolgens
worde de kabel aangelegd. Links, rechts en daarboven
wordt ter grondverbetering (backfill) zand aangebracht.
De rest wordt aangevuld met de uitkomende grond.
De geleider en de mantel zijn van aluminium.
Productie afvalstoffen Afvalstoffen, zoals bouwafval, emissie van verkeer en
transport, restproducten, etc., ontstaan met name in
de aanlegfase van de hoogspanningsverbinding. Bij het
onderhoud zal de afvalproductie zeer beperkt zijn.
Verontreiniging en hinder Verontreiniging en hinder is als gevolg van de hoogspanningsverbinding
zeer beperkt aan de orde. Hiervoor
wordt verwezen naar paragrafen 4.6 (magnetische
velden), 4.7(geluid) en 4.7 (luchtkwaliteit).
Risico voor ongevallen Voor externe veiligheid wordt verwezen naar paragraaf
4.7 en voor niet gesprongen explosieven naar 4.8.
Plaats van de projecten
Bestaande grondgebruik Het tracé ligt voor een deel aan de oostgrens van de
bebouwing van bedrijventerrein Waarderpolder en het
recreatieschap Spaarnwoude. Het bestaand grondgebruik
van het tracé bestaat voornamelijk uit grasland.
Ook ruigte en rietvegetaties komen veel voor in het
Tevens wordt de verbinding onder de ringvaart , onder
provinciale weg N200 en onder de spoorweg Amsterdam
Sloterdijk - Haarlem aangelegd.
Rijkdom aan en kwaliteit en regeneratievermogen
natuurlijke hulpbronnen
van het gebied
Het plangebied maakt onderdeel uit van het Natuurnetwerk
Nederland. Enkel tijdens de aanleg zal hier
mogelijk een tijdelijke verstoring plaatsvinden. Hiervoor
wordt verwezen naar paragraaf 4.3.
Het plangebied bevindt zich niet in een waterwingebied.
Opnamevermogen milieu met aandacht
voor wetlands, kustgebieden,
berg- en bosgebieden, reservaten
en natuurparken, H/V richtlijngebieden,
gebieden waar milieunormen
worden overschreden, gebieden
met hoge bevolkingdichtheid,
landschappelijk historisch cultureel
of archeologische gebieden van
Het tracé is gelegen binnen het Nationaal Landschap
Stelling van Amsterdam. De aanleg van de ondergrondse
kabelverbinding leidt niet tot een permanente
aantasting van het landschap of de beleving ervan.
Hiervoor wordt verwezen naar paragraaf 4.4.
Het tracé is gelegen binnen een archeologisch monument
en een aardkundig monument. Voor archeologische
en aardkundige waarden wordt verwezen naar
paragraaf 4.5.
Natura 2000 Er liggen in een straal van 4 kilometer geen Natura2000-
gebieden. Deze maken geen onderdeel uit van
het plangebied. Hiervoor wordt verwezen naar paragraaf
Kenmerken van het potentiële
Bereik van het effect (geografisch
en grootte getroffen bevolking)
Water en Bodem: Verwezen wordt naar paragrafen 4.2
en 4.1
Archeologie: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.5.
Geluid: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.7.
Natuur: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.3.
Flora en Fauna: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.3.
Verkeer: De ontwikkeling heeft geen noemenswaardige
verkeersaantrekkende werking. Enkel bij de aanleg zal
het verkeer en transport toenemen. Dit effect is van
tijdelijke aard.
Lucht: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.7.
Externe veiligheid: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.7.
Explosieven: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf 4.8.
Magnetische velden: Verwezen wordt naar paragraaf
Grensoverschrijdend karakter Nee, er treden geen milieueffecten over landsgrenzen.
Orde van grootte en complexiteit
Klein / Beperkt. Gezien de aard en ligging van het
plangebied zijn negatieve effecten als gevolg van de
(tijdelijke) werkzaamheden in het plangebied en de
uiteindelijke inrichting van het plangebied niet te verwachten.
Waarschijnlijkheid effect De mate waarin daadwerkelijk hinder wordt ervaren of
mensen kans lopen gevolgen te ondervinden is klein.
Duur, frequentie en omkeerbaarheid
Effecten van de aanleg van de verbinding vinden enkel
plaats tijdens de aanleg- en bouwwerkzaamheden. De
situatie ter plaatse van de te realiseren ondergrondse
150kV verbinding zal na de werkzaamheden weer in de
huidige staat terugkeren.
CONCLUSIE • De ingreep kent geen specifieke milieurisico’s en de
effecten zijn beheersbaar.
• Het project vindt plaats in gevoelige gebieden. Het
plangebied maakt onderdeel
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1 environmental impact assessment1.1 intention/initiativeTo meet the rising energy demand and the reliability of electricity networkexists to ensure the intention between the existing 150 kV stationWaarderpolder (municipality of Haarlem) and to realize the 380kV/150kV-vijfhuizen (municipalityHaarlemmermeer) a new underground HV cable connection.It concerns a second 150 kV connection between these stations. The route length is approx. 4.1kilometers.The cable connection is to a large part of the route not yet regulated planning. With aenvironmental permit for the specific project can be deviated from the applicable zoning.Present reporting forms the spatial basis needed toto areas of land use plans to the construction of the 150kV-cable route possiblein the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. To the construction of the 150kV-kabeltrace possiblein the municipality of Haarlem is a separate procedure. For the part in themunicipality of Haarlemmerliede is no planning procedure required.1.2 why this kind smoking m.e.r. – assessmentFor this project, the activity is listed in part D of the annexes to the decisionm.e.r. the threshold is not exceeded. For the project is a so-calledform smoking m.e.r. assessment duty. In table 1.1 is the activity and the applicable threshold valueas contained in the Decision m.e.r. displayed.For this project is that it is a hoogspanningkabel with a voltage of 150 kV.The first criterion is met. The cable is planned over a length of 4.1 kmand partly in sensitive areas (geological monument, archaeological monument and ecologicalMain structure). To the second criterion is not met because the length of thecable route is not greater than 5 km.Table 1.1 relevant category m.e.r. DecisionM.e.r.-activitiesbeoordelingsplichtigPlanning DecisionsD 24.2 Instance, modificationor extension ofan undergroundpower transmission lineVoltage ≥ 150 kilovoltsand a length of≥ 5 km in a sensitiveareaThe structural concept,referred to in articles2.1, 2.2 and 2.3of the law spatialplanning, and plans,referred to in thearticles 3.1, firstMember, 3.6, paragraph 1,parts a and b,of that law.The plan referred to inArticle 3, paragraph 1,parts a and b,of the law spatialplanning orlack thereofof the plan,referred to in article 3.1,paragraph 1, of this lawor the decision referred toin article 6.5, part(c) of the water law.To enable the project planning by the municipality of Haarlem, a double destinationHigh voltage listed in the present zoning plan.In article 2, paragraph 5 of the decision m.e.r. provides that the threshold values mentioned in the D-listindicative. That is, an activity, even though it remains below the threshold value, rightm.e.r. (assessment) may be liable for, having regard to the characteristics and/or place of the project orhaving regard to the characteristics of the potential impact, as per EU directive environmental assessmentprojects, of which the selection criteria appear below.Because the threshold values D 24.2 the decision not be exceeded m.e.r., is called areview ' performed ' form smoking m.e.r.-.The m.e.r.-duty for plans may also stem from the nature conservation Act 1998. Plansor decide for activities that may lead to significant effects on Natura 2000 areasmust be tested by means of an appropriate assessment. Legal plans for whichThis appropriate assessment must be made are also liable for m.e.r.. For the presentland use plan is not an appropriate assessment to be drawn up, a m.e.r.-duty is soalso not on the agenda.1.3 Form smoking m.e.r.-ratingThe form smoking m.e.r.-rating consists of a key EU environmental assessment directive to annex IIIprojects. In main lines to the project should be assessed in the light of:1. characteristics of the project;2. location of the project;3. characteristics of the potential impact.The following table shows the possible environmental effects. First a descriptiongiven the characteristics of the activity and the place of the activity. Thenthe characteristics of the effects of the activity. This involves the identification of any possible(important) adverse environmental effects occur and whether there are mitigating (mitigation) and compensatorymeasures can be taken to reduce the environmental impactor nullify).Characteristics of projectsScope of the project (relationshipwith threshold D list)Relationship with Category D 24.2.Features ExplanationLength cable route Ca. 4.1 km150 kV voltage levelUnderground/above groundUndergroundMode of instance unearth and horizontaldirectional drillingIntersection of(rail) roads/water courseHorizontal directional drillingKabelbed the intended width Strip (with threecables) is approximately 1 meterwide with on both sidesa 5 meter wide protection area.Cable about 1.25 metres depth (exceptthe locations Veerpadand ringvaart Haarlemmermeer),Here is the cableabout 20 meters deep)Construction duration +/-9 monthsCumulation with other projects the cable connection is necessary because of field developments,replacing outdated cable connectionsand to cater to the everfurther increasing demand for electricity. In addition to theextension of Station Five houses up to 380 kV stationThere are no other projects in the vicinity of thecable route with which cumulation is possible and thathave to be taken into account.Use Land and natural resources (backfill) sand. The basis of theto dig slot is next to the slot. Thenthe cable laid out. Left, right and aboveis in soil improvement (backfill) sand.The rest is supplemented with the Club ground.The conductor and the mantle are made of aluminum.Waste production waste, such as construction waste, emission of traffic andtransport, residual products, etc., arise in particular inthe construction phase of the high-voltage connection. Whenmaintenance will waste production very limited.Pollution and nuisances pollution and nuisance is due to the high-voltage connectionvery limited. To do this,reference is made to paragraphs 4.6 (magneticfields), 4.7 (sound) and 4.7 (air quality).Risk for accidents For external security, reference is made to paragraph4.7 and not jumped for explosives to 4.8.Position of the projectExisting land the route lies partly on the eastern border of thedevelopment of industrial area Waarderpolder and theSpaarnwoude recreation authority. The existing land useof the route consists mainly of grassland.Also undergrowth and reeds vegetations are common in thearea.Also, the connection under the ringvaart, underprovincial road N200 and under the railway AmsterdamSloterdijk-Haarlem.Wealth and quality and regeneration abilitynatural resourcesof the areaThe plan area is part of the nature networkNetherlands. Only during the construction will be heremay be a temporary disruption take place. To do this,reference is made to paragraph 4.3.The plan area is not in a water-collection area.Recording capability environment with attentionfor wetlands, coastal areas,mountain and forest areas, reservesand natural parks, H/V directive areas,areas where environmental standardsare exceeded, areaswith high bevolkingdichtheid,landscaping historical culturalor archaeological areas ofinterest.The route is located within the national landscapeStelling van Amsterdam. The construction of the undergroundcable connection does not lead to a permanentdegradation of the landscape or the experience of it.Reference is made to section 4.4.The route is located within an archaeological monumentand a geological monument. For archaeologicaland Geoheritage refers tosection 4.5.Natura 2000 in a radius of 4 km there are no Natura 2000-areas. These are not part ofthe plan area. Reference is made to paragraph4.3.Characteristics of the potentialeffectRange of the impact (geographicaland size affected population)Water and soil: reference is made to paragraphs 4.2and 4.1Archaeology: reference is made to paragraph 4.5.Sound: reference is made to paragraph 4.7.Nature: reference is made to paragraph 4.3.Flora and Fauna: reference is made to paragraph 4.3.Traffic: the development has no significanttraffic generating operation. Only in the construction willtraffic and transport increase. This effect is oftemporary.Air: reference is made to paragraph 4.7.External security: reference is made to paragraph 4.7.Explosives: reference is made to paragraph 4.8.Magnetic fields: reference is made to paragraph4.6.Cross-border nature no, there are no environmental impacts on national borders.Order of magnitude and complexityeffectSmall/Limited. Given the nature and location ofPlan area are adverse effects as a result of the(temporary) work in the plan area and thefinal design of the plan area not expected.Probability effect the extent to which pollution is actually experienced orpeople likely to suffer consequences is small.Duration, frequency and reversibilityeffectEffects of the construction of the connection onlyplace during the construction and construction work. Thesituation on the ground of underground150kv connection will post the work again in thecurrent state return.CONCLUSION • the procedure has no specific environmental risks and theeffects are manageable.• The project will take place in sensitive areas. ThePlan area makes part
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
1 Environmental Impact
1.1 Intention / initiative
In order to meet the increasing energy demand and the reliability of electricity network
to ensure it is envisaged between the existing 150 kV
Waarderpolder (municipality Haarlem) and realize the 380 kV / 150 kV Vijfhuizen (municipality of
Haarlemmermeer) to build a new underground high-voltage cable.
It is a second 150kV line between these stations. The tracélengte is approximately 4.1
The cable connection is to a large part of the route not planning regularly. With an
environmental permit for the particular project can be made ​​from the current zoning.
The present report constitutes the spatial support that is needed to
be able to deviate from the zoning to allow the construction of the 150 kV cable route
to the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. To enable the construction of the 150 kV cable routes
to the city of Haarlem is run through a separate procedure. For the part of the
municipality of Haarlem is not a planning procedure is required.
1.2 Why this form free mer - assessment
for this project is that the activity occurs in section D of the annexes to the decision
m.er The threshold is not exceeded. The project applies a so-called
form-free EIA assessment obligation. Table 1.1 presents the activity and the applicable threshold
as set out in the Decree number appears.
For this project is that it relates to a power line with a voltage of 150 kilovolts.
The first criterion is met. The cable is planned over a length of 4.1 kilometers
and partly in sensitive areas (geological monument, archaeological monument and Ecological
Main Structure). The second criterion is not met because the length of the
cable route does not exceed five kilometers.
Table 1.1 Relevant category Decision mer
Activities Merten
rating complicit
Planning Decisions
D 24.2 Construction, modification
or extension of
an underground
power line
voltage ≥ 150 kilovolts
and a length of
≥ 5 km in a sensitive
The structure,
referred to in Articles
2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
of the Law on Spatial
Planning, and the plans
referred to in
Articles 3.1, first
paragraph, 3.6, first paragraph,
under a and b
of that law.
The plan referred to in
Article 3.6, first paragraph,
under a and b
of the Act on spatial
planning, or in
the absence
of the plan
referred to in Article 3.1,
first paragraph, of this Act
or the decision referred to
in Article 6.5, section
c, of the Water Act.
To facilitate the project planning becomes a double appropriation by the city of Haarlem
voltage included in the present zoning.
In Article 2, paragraph 5 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Decree stipulates that the thresholds mentioned in D -list
are indicative. This means that an activity, although it remains below the threshold, however
m.er (evaluation) may be complicit, given the characteristics and / or the location of the project or
given the characteristics of the potential impact, such as named EU directive on environmental
projects, the selection criteria are listed below.
As the thresholds D24.2 from the Decree number is not exceeded, a so-called
"free form EIA assessment 'carried out.
The EIA for plans may also arise from the Nature Conservancy 1998. Plans
or decisions for activities that may result in significant effects on Natura 2000 sites
should be tested by an appropriate assessment. Legal plans, for which
the appropriate assessment must be made ​​also require EIA. For the present
zoning is not to be drawn appropriate assessment, an EIA is
also not on the agenda.
1.3 Free Form EIA assessment
shape free EIA assessment consists of a key EU directive Annex III environmental
projects. In broad terms, the project should be assessed against:
1. Features of the project;
2. Location of the project;
3. Characteristics of the potential impact.
The table below shows the potential environmental effects are handled. First, a description will be
given of the characteristics of the activity and the location of the activity. It then
discusses the characteristics of the effects of the activity. It examines whether there might be
(important) adverse environmental impacts occur and whether there are mitigating circumstances (mitigation) and countervailing
measures can be taken to possibly reduce the environmental impact
or nullify).
Characteristics of projects
Scope of the project (relationship
with threshold D list)
Relationship with Category D24.2.
Features Explanation
length cable route Ca. 4.1 kilometer
Voltage 150 kV
underground / overground
Method of construction Open excavation and horizontal
directional drilling
(rail) roads /
Horizontal directional drilling
width cable bed The proposed strip (three
cables) is approximately one meter
wide on both sides
a five-meter wide protection zone.
Depth cable about 1.25 m (except
the locations Veerpad
and Ringvaart Haarlemmermeer)
Here lies the cable
about 20 meters deep)
Construction Duration +/- 9 months
Accumulation with other projects The cable connection is necessary because of regional developments,
the replacing obsolete cable
connections, and in order to meet the
ever-growing demand for electricity. Besides the
expansion of Vijfhuizen Station to 380 kV
station, there are no other projects in the vicinity of the
cable route which cumulation is possible and to
be taken into account.
Use natural resources Land and (backfill) sand. The come-out soil from the
trench to be excavated is placed next to the slot. Subsequently,
the cable may be laid out. Left, right and above it
is to land improvement (backfill) made ​​of sand.
The rest will be completed by the hatching ground.
The conductor and the casing are made ​​of aluminum.
Production waste Waste materials such as construction waste, emissions from traffic and
transport, waste products, etc., arise especially in
the construction phase of the high-voltage connection. When
maintenance waste production will be very limited.
Pollution and nuisances Pollution and nuisance as a result of the high-voltage connection
is very limited on the agenda. For this,
refer to Sections 4.6 (magnetic
fields), 4.7 (sound) and 4.7 (air quality).
Risk of accidents for external security, please refer to section
4.7 and for non ordnance to 4.8.
Location of projects
Existing land The route lies a portion to the eastern border of the
cultivation of industrial Waarderpolder and the
recreation area Spaarnwoude. The existing land use
of the route consists mainly of grassland.
Also brushwood and reed vegetation are common in the
Also, the connection among the ring canal, under
provincial road N200 and under the railway Amsterdam
Sloterdijk -. Haarlem built
wealth and quality and regenerative capacity
natural resources
of the area
The planning area is part of the Nature Network
Netherlands. Only during the construction here will
possibly be a temporary disruption. For this,
refer to section 4.3.
The planning area is not located in a water abstraction.
Power Consumption environment with attention
to wetlands, coastal zones,
mountain and forest areas, nature reserves
and natural parks, H / V guideline areas,
areas where environmental standards
are exceeded, areas
of high population density,
scenic historic cultural
or archeological areas of
The route is located within the National Landscape
Stelling of Amsterdam. The construction of the underground
cable connection does not lead to permanent
damage to the landscape or the perception of it.
Please refer to section 4.4.
The route is located within an archaeological monument
and a geological monument. For archaeological
and geological values ​​refer to
section 4.5.
Natura 2000 there are in a radius of four kilometers no Natura2000
areas. These are not part of
the plan area. Please refer to section
Characteristics of the potential
Coverage of the impact (geographical
size and population affected)
Water and Soil: Please refer to sections 4.2
and 4.1
Archaeology: Please refer to Section 4.5.
Sound: Please refer to Section 4.7.
Nature: Please refer to Section 4.3.
Flora and Fauna: Please refer to Section 4.3.
Traffic: The development has no significant
traffic generating operation. Only in the construction will
increase traffic and transport. This effect is
Air: Please refer to Section 4.7.
External Safety: Please refer to Section 4.7.
Explosives: Please refer to Section 4.8.
Magnetic fields: Please refer to Section
Cross-border nature No, people do not feel the environment is about borders.
Order of magnitude and complexity
Small / Limited. Given the nature and location of the
planning area have negative effects due to the
(temporary) work in the planning area and the
final arrangement of not anticipated the project area.
Likelihood impact the extent to which real nuisance is experienced or
people likely to experience has consequences small.
Duration, frequency and reversibility of
Effects of the construction of the connection only find
place during the construction and construction work. The
situation on the ground from the underground to achieve
150 kV connection will work again after the
return current state.
CONCLUSION • The procedure has no specific environmental risks and the
effects are manageable.
• The project is located in sensitive areas. The
planning area is part
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
1 environmental assessment (1.1 intention / initiative "to meet the growing demand and to ensure the reliability of the power grid is the intention of the existing 150kv station (waarderpolder (municipality of haarlem) and to realize 380kv / 150kv station vijfhuizen (municipality)haarlemmermeer) to build a new underground hoogspanningskabelverbinding. "this is the second 150kv link between these stations. the tracélengte is approximately 4.1 km
the cable for a large part of the route, not planning. with the omgevingsvergunning for the specific project can be made of existing plans. "this report represents the spatial support needed to "to depart from the planning for the construction of the 150kv - kabeltracé as possible to make the haarlemmermeer in the municipality. the construction of the 150kv - kabeltrace
to make possible in the municipality of haarlem is a separate procedure. for the part in the.haarlemmerliede municipality planning procedure is not required.
1.2 why this vormvrije assessment (eia) for this project is that the activity occurs in part d of the annexes to the eia decision threshold is not exceeded. the project is a so-called "vormvrije eia beoordelingsplicht. in table 1.1 is the activity and the relevant threshold (as included in the eia decision reflected. "for this project is a hoogspanningkabel subject with a voltage of 150 kilovolts. (the first criterion is met. the cable is planned over a length of 4.1 km
2 and partly in sensitive areas (aardkundig monument monument, archaeological and ecological.main structure). the second criterion is not satisfied because the length of the kabeltracé is not more than 5 miles. (table 1.1 relevant category decision eia eia beoordelingsplichtig

activities planning decisions d

proper construction, alteration or extension of an underground

> 150 kilovolts high tension and length > > 5 km in a sensitive area

the structuurvisie

referred to in article 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

the law of spatial organization, and the plans,

articles referred to in the first paragraph 3.1,

, 3.6, first paragraph, parts a and b, of which the law. "the plan referred to in article 3.6). first, the components a and b

the law of spatial organization or in the absence of

the plan, referred to in article 3.1, the first member of the law.if the decision referred to in article 6.5, part (c) of the law on water. "the project is planning to allow the municipality of haarlem a dubbelbestemming
high voltage included in the current zoning." in article 2 paragraph 5 of the eia act provides that the thresholds mentioned in the d
indicative list. that is to say that an activity.also remains below the threshold, the eia (evaluation) can be liable, in the characteristics and / or the place of the project or the light of the characteristics of the potential impact, as appointed in eu directive environmental assessment of projects, the selection criteria are presented below. (because the thresholds of the d24.2 conclusion eia are not exceeded.a '
' vormvrije eia evaluation carried out. "the eia duty plans can also result from the nature conservation law 1998. plans or decisions and activities that lead to significant effects on natura 2000 areas should be reviewed by the appropriate assessment. these statutory plans for the appropriate assessment should be made even him.er - plichtig. for the present the zoning is not appropriate assessment should be established, the eia duty is not the right

the 1.3 vormvrije eia evaluation vormvrije eia evaluation is a key to the eu directive annex iii environmental projects. in general, the project should be reviewed:
1. characteristics of the project; (2.location of project:
3. characteristics of the potential effect. the table with the possible environmental effects. the first is a description of the characteristics of the activity and the location of the activity. then the effect on the characteristics of the impact of the activity. this is to check for possible.(important) and mitigating adverse environmental effects arise (mitigation) and compensatory
measures can be taken to reduce the environmental impact (or possibly eliminate). the characteristics of the projects, the scale of the project (relationship) with threshold d category list) relationship with d24.2.

length cable route around features commentary 4.1 kv voltage level at 150 miles.

underground / surface and underground construction and the way of open unearth controlled drilling horizontal

(rail and road /

aqueducts controlled drilling horizontal width kabelbed target strip (with three (cables) is approximately 1 metre) wide on both sides of a 5 meter wide area around the depth cable. 1.25 meters (excluding

and the locations veerpad ringvaart haarlemmermeer)"here's the cable (about 20 feet) aanlegduur / - 9 months) combined with other projects, the cable is necessary because of gebiedsontwikkelingen

and the replacement of obsolete cable joints in order to meet the increasingly growing demand for electricity. in addition to the expansion of vijfhuizen 380 kv station to station.there are no other projects in the area of the kabeltracé which is possible (and which should be taken into account. the use of natural resources (soil and sand backfill). the basis of the uitkomende to dig the slot is placed next to the slot. then the cable in the construction. left, right and there is in the land (backfill) made of sand.the rest is supplemented with the uitkomende ground. "the conductor and the sheath of aluminium. the production waste such as waste, construction waste, emissions from traffic and the transportation, products, etc., especially in the construction phase, the emergence of the interconnector. in the generation and maintenance will be very limited. "pollution and nuisance pollution and damage as a result of the interconnector (very limited extent. this is referred to in paragraphs 4.6 (magnetic) fields), 4.7 (sound) and 4.7 (quality). the risk of accidents for external security refers to paragraph (4.7 and 4.8 for not jumping to explosives. the location of the project.existing land use the route is a part of the eastern border of the

and the cultivation of improved waarderpolder recreatieschap spaarnwoude. the existing land use (of the route is mainly grassland. and also ruigte and rietvegetaties are common in the area. "also, the connection among the ringvaart, under the provincial road and the railway n200 in amsterdam.sloterdijk - haarlem constructed. the wealth and quality and capacity for regeneration of natural resources of the area plangebied

it is part of the nature network in the netherlands. only during the construction will be a temporary disruption and possible. refer to section 4.3 for
the plangebied is located in the area.much attention to environment with the wetlands, coastal areas, the mountain and forest reserves and national parks, 2, h / v richtlijngebieden

areas where standards are exceeded, areas with high bevolkingdichtheid

scenic historical cultural or archaeological sites of importance. the route is located within the national landscape
theorem amsterdam.the construction of the underground cable does not lead to a permanent

land degradation or experience. (please refer to section 4.4.) the route is located within an archaeological monument "and a aardkundig monument. for archaeological
and aardkundige values is referred to in paragraph 4.5.)natura 2000 there are in a radius of 4 km
a natura 2000 areas. these are not part of the plangebied. please refer to section 4.3


characteristics of the potential impact of the range (geographical and size effect (affected) water and soil: refers to paragraphs 4.2 4.1

and archaeology: refer to section 4.5. the sound:refers to paragraph 4.7.
nature: refer to section 4.3. the flora and fauna: refer to section 4.3. the movement: the development of verkeersaantrekkende has no significant effect. only by building the traffic and transport will increase. this effect is temporary:
air refers to paragraph 4.7. the external security.refers to paragraph 4.7. the explosives: refers to paragraph 4.8. the magnetic fields: refers to paragraph

cross-border 4.6. no, no impact force on borders. the magnitude and complexity of the small / limited effect. the nature and location of the plangebied are the negative effects of the(temporary) activities in the plangebied and the final establishment of the plangebied not expected effect. the probability of the actual degree of discomfort is experienced or the people likely to suffer is small. the duration, frequency and reversibility of the effects of impact the construction of the link to find only the site during construction and construction. the
situation of the underground to achieve the 150kv connection will work again after the current state in the

return. conclusion the operation has no specific risks and the effects are manageable
the project is located in sensitive areas. the plangebied component.
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