1 environmental impact assessment1.1 intention/initiativeTo meet the rising energy demand and the reliability of electricity networkexists to ensure the intention between the existing 150 kV stationWaarderpolder (municipality of Haarlem) and to realize the 380kV/150kV-vijfhuizen (municipalityHaarlemmermeer) a new underground HV cable connection.It concerns a second 150 kV connection between these stations. The route length is approx. 4.1kilometers.The cable connection is to a large part of the route not yet regulated planning. With aenvironmental permit for the specific project can be deviated from the applicable zoning.Present reporting forms the spatial basis needed toto areas of land use plans to the construction of the 150kV-cable route possiblein the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. To the construction of the 150kV-kabeltrace possiblein the municipality of Haarlem is a separate procedure. For the part in themunicipality of Haarlemmerliede is no planning procedure required.1.2 why this kind smoking m.e.r. – assessmentFor this project, the activity is listed in part D of the annexes to the decisionm.e.r. the threshold is not exceeded. For the project is a so-calledform smoking m.e.r. assessment duty. In table 1.1 is the activity and the applicable threshold valueas contained in the Decision m.e.r. displayed.For this project is that it is a hoogspanningkabel with a voltage of 150 kV.The first criterion is met. The cable is planned over a length of 4.1 kmand partly in sensitive areas (geological monument, archaeological monument and ecologicalMain structure). To the second criterion is not met because the length of thecable route is not greater than 5 km.Table 1.1 relevant category m.e.r. DecisionM.e.r.-activitiesbeoordelingsplichtigPlanning DecisionsD 24.2 Instance, modificationor extension ofan undergroundpower transmission lineVoltage ≥ 150 kilovoltsand a length of≥ 5 km in a sensitiveareaThe structural concept,referred to in articles2.1, 2.2 and 2.3of the law spatialplanning, and plans,referred to in thearticles 3.1, firstMember, 3.6, paragraph 1,parts a and b,of that law.The plan referred to inArticle 3, paragraph 1,parts a and b,of the law spatialplanning orlack thereofof the plan,referred to in article 3.1,paragraph 1, of this lawor the decision referred toin article 6.5, part(c) of the water law.To enable the project planning by the municipality of Haarlem, a double destinationHigh voltage listed in the present zoning plan.In article 2, paragraph 5 of the decision m.e.r. provides that the threshold values mentioned in the D-listindicative. That is, an activity, even though it remains below the threshold value, rightm.e.r. (assessment) may be liable for, having regard to the characteristics and/or place of the project orhaving regard to the characteristics of the potential impact, as per EU directive environmental assessmentprojects, of which the selection criteria appear below.Because the threshold values D 24.2 the decision not be exceeded m.e.r., is called areview ' performed ' form smoking m.e.r.-.The m.e.r.-duty for plans may also stem from the nature conservation Act 1998. Plansor decide for activities that may lead to significant effects on Natura 2000 areasmust be tested by means of an appropriate assessment. Legal plans for whichThis appropriate assessment must be made are also liable for m.e.r.. For the presentland use plan is not an appropriate assessment to be drawn up, a m.e.r.-duty is soalso not on the agenda.1.3 Form smoking m.e.r.-ratingThe form smoking m.e.r.-rating consists of a key EU environmental assessment directive to annex IIIprojects. In main lines to the project should be assessed in the light of:1. characteristics of the project;2. location of the project;3. characteristics of the potential impact.The following table shows the possible environmental effects. First a descriptiongiven the characteristics of the activity and the place of the activity. Thenthe characteristics of the effects of the activity. This involves the identification of any possible(important) adverse environmental effects occur and whether there are mitigating (mitigation) and compensatorymeasures can be taken to reduce the environmental impactor nullify).Characteristics of projectsScope of the project (relationshipwith threshold D list)Relationship with Category D 24.2.Features ExplanationLength cable route Ca. 4.1 km150 kV voltage levelUnderground/above groundUndergroundMode of instance unearth and horizontaldirectional drillingIntersection of(rail) roads/water courseHorizontal directional drillingKabelbed the intended width Strip (with threecables) is approximately 1 meterwide with on both sidesa 5 meter wide protection area.Cable about 1.25 metres depth (exceptthe locations Veerpadand ringvaart Haarlemmermeer),Here is the cableabout 20 meters deep)Construction duration +/-9 monthsCumulation with other projects the cable connection is necessary because of field developments,replacing outdated cable connectionsand to cater to the everfurther increasing demand for electricity. In addition to theextension of Station Five houses up to 380 kV stationThere are no other projects in the vicinity of thecable route with which cumulation is possible and thathave to be taken into account.Use Land and natural resources (backfill) sand. The basis of theto dig slot is next to the slot. Thenthe cable laid out. Left, right and aboveis in soil improvement (backfill) sand.The rest is supplemented with the Club ground.The conductor and the mantle are made of aluminum.Waste production waste, such as construction waste, emission of traffic andtransport, residual products, etc., arise in particular inthe construction phase of the high-voltage connection. Whenmaintenance will waste production very limited.Pollution and nuisances pollution and nuisance is due to the high-voltage connectionvery limited. To do this,reference is made to paragraphs 4.6 (magneticfields), 4.7 (sound) and 4.7 (air quality).Risk for accidents For external security, reference is made to paragraph4.7 and not jumped for explosives to 4.8.Position of the projectExisting land the route lies partly on the eastern border of thedevelopment of industrial area Waarderpolder and theSpaarnwoude recreation authority. The existing land useof the route consists mainly of grassland.Also undergrowth and reeds vegetations are common in thearea.Also, the connection under the ringvaart, underprovincial road N200 and under the railway AmsterdamSloterdijk-Haarlem.Wealth and quality and regeneration abilitynatural resourcesof the areaThe plan area is part of the nature networkNetherlands. Only during the construction will be heremay be a temporary disruption take place. To do this,reference is made to paragraph 4.3.The plan area is not in a water-collection area.Recording capability environment with attentionfor wetlands, coastal areas,mountain and forest areas, reservesand natural parks, H/V directive areas,areas where environmental standardsare exceeded, areaswith high bevolkingdichtheid,landscaping historical culturalor archaeological areas ofinterest.The route is located within the national landscapeStelling van Amsterdam. The construction of the undergroundcable connection does not lead to a permanentdegradation of the landscape or the experience of it.Reference is made to section 4.4.The route is located within an archaeological monumentand a geological monument. For archaeologicaland Geoheritage refers tosection 4.5.Natura 2000 in a radius of 4 km there are no Natura 2000-areas. These are not part ofthe plan area. Reference is made to paragraph4.3.Characteristics of the potentialeffectRange of the impact (geographicaland size affected population)Water and soil: reference is made to paragraphs 4.2and 4.1Archaeology: reference is made to paragraph 4.5.Sound: reference is made to paragraph 4.7.Nature: reference is made to paragraph 4.3.Flora and Fauna: reference is made to paragraph 4.3.Traffic: the development has no significanttraffic generating operation. Only in the construction willtraffic and transport increase. This effect is oftemporary.Air: reference is made to paragraph 4.7.External security: reference is made to paragraph 4.7.Explosives: reference is made to paragraph 4.8.Magnetic fields: reference is made to paragraph4.6.Cross-border nature no, there are no environmental impacts on national borders.Order of magnitude and complexityeffectSmall/Limited. Given the nature and location ofPlan area are adverse effects as a result of the(temporary) work in the plan area and thefinal design of the plan area not expected.Probability effect the extent to which pollution is actually experienced orpeople likely to suffer consequences is small.Duration, frequency and reversibilityeffectEffects of the construction of the connection onlyplace during the construction and construction work. Thesituation on the ground of underground150kv connection will post the work again in thecurrent state return.CONCLUSION • the procedure has no specific environmental risks and theeffects are manageable.• The project will take place in sensitive areas. ThePlan area makes part