Het exacte bedrag werd in het ontwerp opengelaten, aangezien de heer B翻訳 - Het exacte bedrag werd in het ontwerp opengelaten, aangezien de heer B英語言う方法

Het exacte bedrag werd in het ontwe

Het exacte bedrag werd in het ontwerp opengelaten, aangezien de heer Beernaert had aangedrongen op een zo laag mogelijke schatting ten einde registratierechten te vermijden.
De heer Beernaert wenste aldus een gedeelte van zijn opleg vóór de ondertekening van de akte te betalen, zoals hij ook zoals hij ook meedeelde aan de notaris en hetgeen de notaris later schriftelijk ook bevestigde.
Om welke reden dan ook betaalde de heer Beernaert op 29 mei 2012 (éénzijdig en slechts) een bedrag van 20.500,00 € aan mevrouw Fukunishi en dit per overschrijving met de mededeling “settlement divorce”.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The exact amount was left open in the draft, since Mr Babu had insisted on the lowest possible estimate in order to avoid registration rights.Mr Babu wished thus part of its lay-on before signing of the Act to pay, as he as he communicated to the notary and also what the notary also confirmed in writing later.For whatever reason paid Mr Babu on 29 may 2012 (one-sided and only) a amount of 20,500, 00 € to Mrs Fukunishi and this by bank transfer with the communication "settlement divorce".
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The exact amount was left open in the design, since Mr Beernaert had insisted on avoiding the lowest possible estimate in order to registration rights.
Mr. Beernaert thus wished to pay a portion of his bearing before the signing of the deed, as he also like He also communicated it to the notary and the notary later which confirmed in writing as well.
For whatever reason, paid Mr. Beernaert on May 29, 2012 (one-sided and only) an amount of € 20,500.00 to Ms. Fukunishi and this by bank transfer with the communication "divorce settlement."
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The exact amount was left open in the design, since the mr Beernaert had insisted on as low a possible estimate in order to avoid registration.
mr Beernaert thus wanted a part of his last minute before the signing of the act to pay, as he also informed as he also to the notary and also confirmed in writing that the notary later.
For whatever reason you paid to Mr Beernaert may 29, 2012 (one-sided and only) an amount of 20,500.00 € to mrs Fukunishi and this per transfer with the communication "settlement divorce".
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