14. Hoeveel meisjes heb je al met mooie praatjes over je tv-carrière j翻訳 - 14. Hoeveel meisjes heb je al met mooie praatjes over je tv-carrière j英語言う方法

14. Hoeveel meisjes heb je al met m

14. Hoeveel meisjes heb je al met mooie praatjes over je tv-carrière je bed ingepraat?

,,Ik gebruik BNN nooit in openingszinnen! Of het zonder ook aardig gaat? Over mijn hele leven - ik ben 22 jaar - heb ik gemiddeld nog niet één meisje per jaar in bed gehad. Ik heb één relatie gehad en de rest was wat losser. Ja, de laatste jaren loopt de teller wat harder. Maar ik ben echt een heer, hoor! ’’

15. Wat staat er nog op je verlanglijstje van bijna dodelijke uitdagingen?

,,Het lijkt me prachtig om me te laten bijten door een dodelijke gifslang. Dat is dé manier om het proces van doodgaan echt te beleven, máár wel te kunnen omdraaien met een antiserum. Wat gaat er door je heen als je sterft. Dat is het ultieme verhaal om te vertellen.’’

Try before you die. Zondag 22.15 uur. Nederland 3.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
14. how many girls have you been with sweet talk over your tv-career you bed briefing?, Never opening lines, I use BNN! Or without also nice going? About my whole life-I am 22 years-I have not even one girl per year on average in bed had. I have had one relationship and the rest was somewhat looser. Yes, the counter runs a little harder in recent years. But I'm really a gentleman, though! ’’15. what else is on your wish list of almost deadly challenges?Beautiful, it seems to me, to let me bite through a deadly venomous snake. That is the way to really experience the process of dying, but we have to be able to turn around with an antiserum. What goes through you when you die. That is the ultimate story to tell. "'Try before you die. Sunday 22.15. Netherlands 3.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
14. How many girls have you been with sweet talk about your television career been talking your bed? ,, I use BNN never opening sentences! Whether it goes without nice? About my life - I'm 22 years old - I mean not one girl had a year in bed. I've had one relationship and the rest was loosened. Yes, the last few years, the number goes harder. But I'm really a gentleman, though! '' 15. What else is on your wish list almost deadly challenges? ,, I think it's wonderful to let me bite by a deadly poisonous snake. That is the way to experience the process of dying really, but to turn around with an antiserum. What goes through your mind when you die. That is the ultimate story to tell. "" Try before you die. Sunday 22.15. Netherlands 3.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
14. How many girls have you been with speeches about your tv career you bed ingepraat?

"i never use BNN in opening sentences! Or without also nice? About my whole life - i am 22 years - i have not yet one girl on average per year in bed. I have had one relationship and the rest was in a looser. Yes, in the last few years running the counter what harder. But i am really a mr, though!"

15. What is on your wish list of almost deadly challenges?

"It seems to me beautiful to let me biting by a deadly gifslang. That is the best way to get the process of die really to experience, to be able to turn máár with antiserum. What does it feel if you die. That is the ultimate story to tell. "

Try before you that. Sunday 22.15 hours.The Netherlands 3.
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