Geachte heer Shoji,  Naar aanleiding van de inbraak in uw auto stuur i翻訳 - Geachte heer Shoji,  Naar aanleiding van de inbraak in uw auto stuur i英語言う方法

Geachte heer Shoji, Naar aanleidin

Geachte heer Shoji,

Naar aanleiding van de inbraak in uw auto stuur ik u onderstaande mail.

Zoals u al heeft vernomen is er tijdens het verblijf van uw voertuig bij Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking ingebroken.

We betreuren het ten zeerste dat dit bij ons heeft plaatsgevonden en dat u een naar gevoel aan het gebruik van Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking heeft overgehouden. We gaan er dan ook van uit dat dit een eenmalig incident is geweest.

Het volgende kan ik al bevestigen.
Omdat Klanttevredenheid bij ons hoog in het vaandel staat willen wij u het volgende aanbieden;

In geval het voertuig uw eigendom is, is het in uw geval logisch dat u de gemaakte kosten voor een nieuwe ruit in eerste instantie probeert te verhalen op uw eigen autoverzekering. Mocht u een eigen risico hebben zal Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking deze vergoeden. Als blijkt dat uw autoverzekering het niet vergoedt zal Holiday Valet Parking uit coulance de gemaakte ruitschade in ieder geval vergoeden. U kunt dan uw claim samen met bijgevoegde nota’s en aangifte per email indienen:

De Inbraak is gebeurd op parkeerterrein P4, adres is Loevesteinse randweg. De inbraak is door ons geconstateerd op zaterdag 6 juni om 06:46.

De inbraken zouden bekend moeten zijn bij Marechaussee Schiphol. Het nummer van de algemene meldkamer is; 020-603 81 11. Hier kunt u terecht en kunt navraag doen over de voortgang van het onderzoek. Daarnaast adviseren wij u om aangifte te doen van inbraak en diefstal. Wij kunnen helaas geen aangifte voor u doen omdat wij geen eigenaar van het voertuig zijn.

Het bedrag wat u heeft betaald voor uw reservering voor Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking zal worden teruggeboekt op uw bankrekeningnummer, hiervoor hebben wij onderstaande gegevens van uw nodig;

Tenaamstelling rekeninghouder: …………………………………..
IBAN Banknummer: ………………………………….

Daarnaast willen wij u als u de eerst volgende keer weer gaat vliegen een gratis parkering aanbieden bij Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking of bij een van onze andere Schiphol parkeerproducten.
Zodra u weer gaat vliegen en gebruik wilt maken van ons aanbod stuurt u mij dan even een mail, dan zal ik de reservering voor u in orde maken.

Mocht u verder nog vragen hebben of mochten wij nog iets voor u kunnen betekenen neemt u dan gerust contact met mij op.
We begrijpen dat het vertrouwen in onze service enigszins is aangetast maar hopen u in de toekomst weer te mogen verwelkomen bij Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking of op een van onze overige Schiphol parkeerproducten.
Hopende u voor nu voldoende geïnformeerd te hebben.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Thomas Harms
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
General Manager Schiphol Valet Parking
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Mr. Shoji, Following the burglary in your car I send you mail below. As you've already learned is there during the stay of your vehicle at Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking broken into. We deeply regret that this has taken place with us and that you felt the use of Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking has left over. We will consider that this has been a one-time incident. The following I can already confirm.Because customer satisfaction is our top priority, we want to offer you the following; In case the vehicle is your property, it is logical that in your case you the costs incurred for a new pane initially tries to stories on your own car insurance. If you have a deductible will reimburse this Holiday Schiphol Valet Parking. If it turns out that your car insurance will reimburse the not good-the created diamond Holiday Valet Parking damage in any case. You can then your claim together with attached notes and submit Declaration by email: The burglary happened at car park P4, address is Loevesteinse randweg. The intrusion is detected by us on Saturday 6 June at 06: 46. The burglaries were known when Marechaussee Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The number of the General emergency room; 020-603 81 11. Here you can enjoy and can make enquiries about the progress of the research. In addition, we advise you to report burglary and theft. We can unfortunately not report do for you because we do not own the vehicle. The amount you have paid for your booking for Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking will be returned to your bank account number, for this we need your details below; Account holder name:......................................... Iban Number:........................................ In addition, we want you the next time is going to fly if you first offer a free parking at Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking or at one of our other Schiphol parking products. Once you again goes flying and want to make use of our offer please send me an email, then I will make the booking for you. If you have any questions or if we still have something can do for you please feel free to contact me.We understand that confidence in our service has been affected somewhat but hope to welcome you again in the future at Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking or parking on one of our other Schiphol products.Hoping you for now are sufficiently informed. Best regards, Thomas HaddadAmsterdam Airport SchipholGeneral Manager Schiphol Valet Parking
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Dear Mr. Shoji, Following the burglary in your car I will send you email below. As you have already heard there during the stay of your vehicle at Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking broken. We deeply regret that this happened to us and you have retained a feeling for the use of Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking. We assume therefore that this was an isolated incident. The next I can confirm though. Because satisfaction is our top priority, we want to offer you the following; In case the vehicle is your property, it is in your case logical that the costs incurred for a new diamond initially trying to recover your own car insurance. If you have a deductible will Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking reparation. If it turns out that your insurance does not reimburse Holiday Valet Parking will be a goodwill gesture reimburse the window damage anyway. You can then submit your claim along with accompanying notes and return by email:. Burglary happened on parking P4 address is Loevesteinse beltway. The burglary was discovered by us on Saturday, June 6th at 06:46. The burglaries should be known by Military Police at Schiphol. The number of general central station; 020-603 81 11. Here you can enjoy and can inquire about the progress of the investigation. In addition, we advise you to declare burglary and theft. We unfortunately do not report to you because we do not own the vehicle. The amount that you paid for your reservation for Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking will be credited back to your bank account, for this we need your information below, ascription account: ....................................... .. Bank IBAN number:. ....................................... In addition, we would like the next time you go fly again offer a free car park at Schiphol Holiday Valet parking or one of our other Schiphol parking space. When you fly back and want to take advantage of our offer please send me an email to me, then I will make the reservation for you in order. If you have further questions or should we still can do for you please feel free to contact me. We understand that the trust our service is somewhat tarnished but hope to welcome back in the future at Schiphol Holiday Valet parking or one of our other Schiphol parking products. Hoping to have informed you enough for now. Sincerely, Thomas Harms Amsterdam Airport Schiphol General Manager Schiphol Valet Parking

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Dear Mr Shoji,

In response to the intrusion in your car i will send you the following mail.

As you have been informed there is during the stay of your vehicle at Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking intruded.

We deeply regret that this has occurred to us and that you felt to the use of Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking has inherited.We therefore assume that this is a one time incident.

The following has been i can already confirm.
Because Customer Satisfaction with high priority in our state we want to offer you the following;

In case the vehicle is your own property, it is logical that in your case you the costs for a new window in the first instance is trying to stories on your own car insurance.If you have an own risk will Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking this compensation. If you find that your car insurance will not reimburse the Holiday Valet Parking from catalog ruitschade in any case reimburse the expenses. YOU can than your claim together with attached notes and declaration per email submission: .

The Intrusion happened on car park P4,Address is Loevesteinse randweg. The intrusion is detected by us on saturday, June 6 to 06:46 AM.

The intrusions should be familiar to Constabulary Schiphol. The number of the general monitoring station; 020-603 81 11. Here you can enjoy and can make enquiries about the progress of research. In addition we advise you to report intrusion and theft.Unfortunately, we do not declaration for you because we have not owner of the vehicle.

The amount that you have paid for your reservation for Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking will be returned to your bank account, we need the following information from your;

Name account holder: … … … … … … … … … …...
IBAN Bank Account Number: … … … … … … … … … … … ….

In addition, we would like to see you as the first next time you fly a free waiting again offer Holiday Valet Parking at Schiphol Airport or at one of our other Schiphol parkeerproducten.
As Soon As you will again fly and want to make use of our offer you send me than as a mail, i will make the reservation for you.

If you have any questions or if we can do for you please do not hesitate to contact me.
We understand that confidence in our service has been somewhat shaken but hope you again in the future to be able to welcome at Schiphol Holiday Valet Parking or on one of our other Schiphol parkeerproducten.
We trust you for now hesitate to.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Harms
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
General Manager Schiphol Valet Parking
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