De Edamse kaasmarkten vinden in 2015 iedere woensdag van 1 juli t/m 19翻訳 - De Edamse kaasmarkten vinden in 2015 iedere woensdag van 1 juli t/m 19英語言う方法

De Edamse kaasmarkten vinden in 201

De Edamse kaasmarkten vinden in 2015 iedere woensdag van 1 juli t/m 19 augustus plaats van 10.30 - 12.30 uur. De opening en sluiting van de marktdag op de Kaasmarkt vindt plaats door het luiden van een bel. Dit luiden wordt in het algemeen gedaan door een prominente gast uit binnen- of buitenland, zoals leden van de eerste of tweede kamer, ministers, Europese commissarissen, schrijvers, vertegenwoordigers uit sport- en amusementswereld en anderen die zich op een of andere wijze verdienstelijk hebben gemaakt.

In 2015 zullen op de volgende woensdagen kaasmarkten worden gehouden (tijdstip: 10.30 - 12.30 uur):
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Find the Edamse cheese markets by 2015 every Wednesday from 1 July to 19 August from 10:30-12:30 am. The opening and closing of the market day on the cheese market takes place by the ringing of a Bell. This read is generally done by a prominent guest from home or abroad, such as members of the first or second room, European Commissioners, ministers, writers, representatives from sports and entertainment world and others who are in one way or another have made meritorious.In 2015 will be held on the following Wednesdays cheese markets (time: 10:30-12:30):
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The Edam cheese markets take 2015 every Wednesday from 1 July / 19 August instead of 10:30 to 12:30 hours. The opening and closing of the market day on the cheese market takes place by the ringing of a bell. This ring is generally done by a prominent guest from home or abroad, such as members of the first or second chamber, ministers, European commissioners, writers, representatives from sports and entertainment world and others who have in any way deserving made. In 2015 will be held on the following Wednesdays cheese markets (time: 10:30 to 12:30 pm)

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The Edamse cheese markets in 2015 each Wednesday from 1 July to 19 august from 10.30 - 12.30. The opening and closing of the market day in the Cheese Market takes place by the following of a call. This is in general done by following a prominent guest from home or abroad, as members of the first or second room, ministers, Commissioners, writers,Representatives from sports and befriend and others who in one way or another have distinguished.

In 2015 will be held on the following wednesdays cheese markets (time: 10.30 - 12.30 hours) :
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