Diversity is our strength ...
Our school has more than 20 nationalities.
That diversity is our strength, and enormous wealth. Heterogeneity increases the learning opportunities for every child. Also indigenous families in the meantime found their way to our school. We see this as a complement and extension of our diversity. We therefore want to monitor that our school continues to reflect the neighborhood!
... Differentiate our second nature!
That's the average child does not exist, because we are long behind. Differentiating gradually became second nature. We voted our timetables on each other, to the children the opportunity to offer certain courses to follow in a lower or higher rate. Care and GOK teachers stand day and night for children -as she prepared are- always just that step to jump further. Tailored education becomes more and more reality.
To achieve the goals and ensure that our children feel comfortable in their own skin, we use different methodologies: contract work tailored to each child, corner work, Final Value castle (a nice method social skills), tutor work, a highly sophisticated ICT policy, ... the list is not finished and we continue to evolve!
our children are not idle: they also have a pretty expanded ICT program, the older children go on bib visit, we came up with a puzzle caterpillar 'throughout the kindergarten, we developed a well crafted pupil, which we carefully record the progress of each child, ...
a team to be proud of
, we are very proud of ourselves as a team! We are a close team of people who live for our school. We have worked hard in recent years to quality, differentiation and diversity. We are therefore today we dare say without blushing that we are a good school. And we remain open to innovation.
Front and nabewaking in the school itself
, we offer surveillance from 7.30am, and nabewaking to 18h in the school itself. Those receiving happens always by the same people. Familiar faces so!
With Lighthouse (neighboring school), we have nabewaking on Wednesday to 17h.
Allowed Parents!
We want to involve you as a parent and keep you informed. Thus the toddlers every week with a weekly letter. It is told about what theme are working there, what activities are planned and depending on the learning objectives, we need help, who's birthday ... In elementary school is then experimented with classroom blogs. Take a look at
a parents' evening is organized several times a year, also for the children. In addition, there is an active parent and parent group. Which organize a flea market, klusjesdag, buffet at the school ...
And you know that feeling of 'If only I could be a fly once ...? " Every year we organize an open klasdag. On that day you your child (ren) are in the classroom at work.
In addition, any slip particles are invited to their first day of school to get even with Mom and / or Dad 'trial run' in the entry-level class.
School near
our school would not be an island! Therefore, we try to participate as possible in neighborhood life:
Thus, each class every year tried to show in the Rataplan / The pick them Roma.
Each class is once a quarter to the movies in cinema Klappei.
The third class is working with Opsinjoren a cleaning plan, as we keep clean and close them earn we once some pocket money for our school groups ...
Neighborhood Basket small team 'Willi Bies' gives all first division gave an initiation afternoon.
we also always participate in community-oriented initiatives such as the Hot Winterswijk Party.
Price Beast
and let us for a moment 'stoefen':
Recently we won the "Innovative Teachers Award, a contest with participants from all parts of the country and counties, from primary school to secondary school. When we subsequently were allowed to defend our national colors on the global edition in Paris, ended second, after a project in South Africa.
Moreover, we also finished third at the CST Awards. These 'awards are awarded to schools that have made exceptional meritorious during the last two years in the field of ICT in education.
On our second EOP Review (January 2008!) We scored 3.5 to 4. A bank ahead so and a kiss from the inspectors!
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